Personality traits and hardiness as risk- and protective factors for mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Norwegian two-wave study
Burnout and mindfulness among social workers in Spain: A structural equation model of mindfulness and areas of worklife as burnout predictors
Gambling and Gambling Problem Perception Questionnaire as a tool to evaluate professionals’ attitudes towards problem gamblers and training programmes in Japan
Validation of the ultra‐short scale for measuring work engagement among social workers in Chinese contexts
The Relationship between Workplace Support and Turnover Intention amongst Chinese Social Workers: A Moderated Mediation Model
Sexual orientation-related patterns of 12-month course and severity of suicidality in a longitudinal, population-based cohort of young adults in Sweden
The Effect of Model-Based Group Counseling on the Resiliency of Disadvantaged Adolescents from Poor Areas of China: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Study
Breaking Lockdown during Lockdown: A Neutralization Theory Evaluation of Misbehavior during the Covid 19 Pandemic
‘Agere Contra’ as a strategy for survival: a spiritual philosophical perspective to fight the COVID-19 crisis
From Truth Commission to Truth Project: The Evolution of Mississippi’s Incomplete Truth Commission, 2005–2010
A cost analysis of a sports-based sexual health education programme for adolescent girls in South African schools
Displacement among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants: The Diasporic Search for Home in the Aftermath of War. By Diotima Chattoraj
The Unequal Distribution of Consequences of Contracting Out: Female, Low-skilled, and Young Workers Pay the Highest Price
Can Sunlight Disperse Mistrust? A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Transparency on Citizens’ Trust in Government
Electroconvulsive therapy for severe depressive symptoms in a patient with dementia with Lewy bodies after coil embolisation for a cerebral aneurysm
COVID‐19 stressors and symptoms of anxiety and depression in a community sample of children and adolescents
Long‐term impact of a mental health literacy resource applied by regular classroom teachers in a Canadian school cohort
Commentary: Using experts by experience to enhance transitional age youth mental health services – a commentary on Adu et al. (2022)
Trust in the system: Research Ethics Committees and the regulation of biomedical research. By Adam Hedgecoe, Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2020. pp. 224. £85 (hardcover). ISBN: 978‐1‐5261‐5291‐6
Latino men and men of color programs: Research-based recommendations for community college practitioners.
Theory-driven game-based assessment of general cognitive ability: Design theory, measurement, prediction of performance, and test fairness.
Trends in the Use of Promotional Language (Hype) in Abstracts of Successful National Institutes of Health Grant Applications, 1985-2020
The effects of proactive approach and integrated medical care on psychological distress in hospitalized patients: A single center experience
Sea swimming as a novel intervention for depression and anxiety – A feasibility study exploring engagement and acceptability
Is modafinil an effective adjunct to standard care in the treatment of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders?
Mapping, Organizing, and Visualizing Interdependent Events (MOVIE): A rigorous analytic framework and cost-free software application designed to model temporal and dynamic complex realist structures in social research settings
Agreement between nicotine metabolites in blood and self-reported smoking status: The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity study
Efficacy and safety of adrenergic alpha-1 receptor antagonists in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis supporting the development of recommendations to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing
Examining high achievement in mathematics and science among post-primary students in Ireland: a multilevel binary logistic regression analysis of PISA data
Boosting team flow through collective efficacy beliefs: A multilevel study in real‐life organizational teams