Psychometric validation of the Cystic Fibrosis Impact Questionnaire (CF-IQ): A patient-reported outcome assessing impacts of cystic fibrosis
Teaching healthy lifestyle behaviors based on philosophical thinking to preschool children: a randomized controlled trial
SEED-AN and a non-specialised, severe mental illness (SMI) community treatment model: perspectives of professionals and patients of a QoL-focussed treatment
Development, validation, and reliability testing of the College Perspectives around Food Insecurity survey
An exploratory case study of food sharing practices in Caribbean countries through a transition lens using intergenerational dyad interviews
The measurement reliability and equivalence of print versus online versions of the Youth Activity Profile
Prevalence of HIV infection and uptake of HIV/AIDs services among fishermen on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kagera region, Northwestern Tanzania
Unexpected effects of pandemic-related changes on mental health: Evidence from a nationwide survey in South Korea
IAPN: a simple framework for evaluating whether a population-based risk stratification tool will be cost-effective before implementation
Psychological responses to acute exercise in patients with stress-induced exhaustion disorder: a cross-over randomized trial
‘Striving to achieve control’. Registered nurses’ experiences of palliative care quality during the COVID-19 pandemic – a qualitative study
Time and cost of linking administrative datasets for outcomes assessment in a follow-up study of participants from two randomised trials
Using machine learning to forecast peak health care service demand in real-time during the 2022–23 winter season: A pilot in England, UK
Association between maternal mental health and early childhood development, nutrition, and common childhood illnesses in Khwisero subcounty, Kenya
‘‘Mitigating cancer pain: What else matters?”—A qualitative study into the needs and concerns of cancer patients in Sri Lanka
The impact of social networks on rural residents’ engagement in living environment upgrade: An integrated analysis drawing on social network theory and the theory of planned behavior
Exploring the role of perfectionism and psychological capital in the relationship between academic procrastination, test anxiety and suicidal ideation among pre-medical students
Exploring the impact of parent-child contact, future orientation, and self-esteem on students’ learning behavior: A mediation analysis
Burnout and organisational stressors among healthcare staff working with adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland
Undergraduates’ lifestyle and Suboptimal Health Status (SHS): A cross-sectional study in the Ha’il region of Saudi Arabia
The impact of maternal mindful parenting on preschoolers’ emotional regulation abilities: The mediating role of depression and the moderating role of the parent-child relationship
Opioid use and opioid overdose in the Netherlands – a 10 years retrospective study of naloxone administration in Dutch emergency departments
Student negotiated syllabus and students’ engagement and academic procrastination: A mixed-method study
Female genital mutilation among children in Ethiopia: A time-to-event analysis of age at circumcision
What makes a city breastfeeding friendly? A qualitative analysis of interviews with breastfeeding women from Europe and Asia
The relationship between borderline personality features and self-efficacy: the mediating role of school adjustment and the moderating role of social support
Effects of conditional cash transfers on tuberculosis incidence and mortality according to race, ethnicity and socioeconomic factors in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort
The QUIC-SP: A Spanish language tool assessing unpredictability in early life is linked to physical and mental health
Positive and negative syndromes in schizophrenia: analysis of determinants and severity of symptoms in Moroccan patients
Readiness to implement contingency management to promote PrEP initiation and adherence among people who inject drugs: results from a multi-site implementation survey
Green space visits among Turkish and South Asian Surinamese women with a high cardiometabolic risk living in disadvantaged neighborhoods in the Netherlands: motives, means and prerequisites
Analysis of seroprevalence and risk factors for syphilis and HIV among female sex workers and transgender individuals in different cities of Sindh, Pakistan
Community and familial dynamics influencing risk behavior for HIV acquisition among adolescent girls and young women in Uganda: Qualitative analysis using Protective Motivation Theory
Unhealthy behaviours associated with uncontrolled hypertension among adults in India- Insights from a national survey