Palliative care for rural growth and wellbeing: identifying perceived barriers and facilitators in access to palliative care in rural Indiana, USA
Using Archived Interviews in a Methodological Secondary Analysis Project: Reflections on Archiving Qualitative Research Data
Housing conditions and respiratory morbidity in Indigenous children in remote communities in Northwestern Ontario, Canada [Research]
Content analysis of school websites: policies and programs to support healthy eating and the environment
Associations of conflict and migration on childhood cognitive development in Ethiopia: Evidence from a longitudinal study
Improving Care of People With Serious Medical Illness—An Economic Research Agenda for Palliative Care
Iron Status, Anemia, and Iron Interventions and Their Associations with Cognitive and Academic Performance in Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Coping strategies and mental health in a sample of students accessing a university counselling service
School life satisfaction and peer connectedness of intellectually gifted adolescents in France: Is there a labeling effect?
GPs’ views on the implementation of combined lifestyle interventions in primary care in the Netherlands: a qualitative study
Infrequent Identity Signals, Multiple Correspondence, and Detection Risks in Audit Correspondence Studies
Threats to Belonging and Health: Understanding the Impact of the COVID‐19 Pandemic using Decades of Research
National trends in population rates of opioid‐related mortality, hospitalization and emergency department visits in Canada between 2000 and 2017. A population‐based study
Commentary: Understanding Complexities of Adolescent E- cigarette Use to Develop Intervention Strategies
When Rollo May’s “little band” of New York psychologists fought back against organized medicine’s attempts to control psychotherapy.
Improving County-Level Earnings Estimates with a New Methodology for Assigning Geographic and Demographic Information to U.S. Workers
New Report: States Made Progress Rebalancing Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports, but Major Opportunities for Improvement Remain
Concurrent randomized control trials of the 1‐year efficacy of two couple relationship education programs: ELEVATE and Couples Connecting Mindfully
Effects of an asynchronous, fully web‐based parenting‐after‐divorce program to reduce interparental conflict, increase quality of parenting and reduce children’s post‐divorce behavior problems
Cross-Sectional Associations among Components of Injustice Appraisals and Functioning in Adolescents With Chronic Pain
Advancing Interorganizational Crime and Violence Reduction Goals Through a Relational Change Intervention
Unaccompanied immigrant children in long‐term foster care: Identifying and operationalizing child welfare outcomes