Archive for February 2022
Domiciliary Care Services for Adults in Northern Ireland (2021)
Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: February 2022
Childhood maltreatment and its role in the development of pain and psychopathology
A mental-health strategy for Europe
“May I present you: my disgust!” – Declared disgust sensitivity in the presence of attractive models
Prevalence of compassion fatigue among helping professions and relationship to compassion for others, self‐compassion and self‐criticism
Psychiatric comorbidity and risk of premature mortality and suicide among those with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes in Sweden: A nationwide matched cohort study of over 1 million patients and their unaffected siblings
Protection Motivation Theory and Intentions to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine
Power and bullying in research
The Gig Economy
Digital Therapeutic vs Education for the Management of Problematic Substance Use
‘Going Missing’ as a Maladaptive Coping Behavior for Adults Experiencing Strain
Mental Health in Academia 3: Students’ Health and Health Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland

Quality of life of COVID 19 patients after discharge: Systematic review
The Family Matters Report 2021 [Australia]
Content Validity through Expert Judgment for the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test
Covid-19 vaccination, fear and anxiety: Evidence from Google search trends
Family physicians’ and trainees’ experiences regarding cancer screening with patients with intellectual disability: An interpretive description study
Predictive Factors for Depression and Anxiety in Men During the Perinatal Period: A Mixed Methods Study
Risk perception, decision-making, and risk communication in the time of COVID-19.
Developing a tailored implementation action plan for a suicide prevention clinical intervention in an Australian mental health service: A qualitative study using the EPIS framework
Mothers’ Experiences of Navigating the Sud Treatment System with Their Young Adult Child
Assessing Recent Evidence to Improve Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Reduce Overdose Deaths

Drug overdose deaths climbed in 2020 and 2021 after plateauing over the previous three years.
Asian American adolescents’ mental health literacy and beliefs about helpful strategies to address mental health challenges at school
Concerns of relationship mistreatment, emotional abuse, and physical abuse in deployed military medical personnel: Prevalence and risk factors
Youth-specific sexual and gender minority state-level policies: Implications for pronoun, name, and bathroom/locker room use among gender minority youth
Effects of Cell Phone Use on Caregiver Supervision and Child Injury Risk
Rural Health and Well-Being in America
Perfectionism dimensions: A network analysis of their relationships with affect and obsessive–compulsive pathological personality traits
7.5 million children at risk in Ukraine
The impact of turnout on partisan bias in U.S. House elections, 1972–2018*
The NIJ Recidivism Forecasting Challenge: Contextualizing the Results
Safeguarding youth health in climate-vulnerable countries
Solidarity in the Apocalypse
The Toll of Transition: Caregiver Perceptions of Family Adjustment During the Transition off Pediatric Cancer Therapy
Living Arrangements of Children: 2019
Higher education providers: coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance: Support for family members of British nationals in Ukraine, and Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and the UK
IWH study finds psychosocial work stressors lead to burnout, but not vice versa
Distancing from the worst or facing the inescapable? Social representations and positioning of people in marginalised groups
Is the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion Associated With Reported Incidents of Child Sexual Abuse?
Ending the pandemic is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice
Convergence among imagination, social-emotional learning and media literacy: an integrative literature review
Functional status and return to work in people with major depression: a 3-year national follow-up study
Workshop on Advancing Training in Suicide Prevention Clinical Care: Day One
Rejection stings less when you channel your inner toddler