Archive for February 2022
Practice frameworks in the criminal justice system
Protecting the Integrity of Government Science
Ask Prof Wolff: Obstacles to Left Organizing
What Works to Prevent Overweight and Obesity
Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Indigenous Racism – Full Interview
Considerations for assessing frail older adults requesting medical assistance in dying
Klerman’s “credo” reconsidered: neo-Kraepelinianism, Spitzer’s views, and what we can learn from the past
Translating promise into practice: a review of machine learning in suicide research and prevention
Alcohol industry submissions to the WHO 2020 Consultation on the development of an Alcohol Action Plan: A content and thematic analysis
Lover, Mentor, or Exploiter: Retrospective Perspectives of the Older Person Following Sexual Relationships with Adults During Adolescence
Two Ways the U.S. Census Bureau Measures Poverty to Capture Clearer Picture of Poverty in America

The Supplemental Poverty Measure begins with cash income then calculates
Adjunctive Ketamine With Relapse Prevention–Based Psychological Therapy in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder
Federal Rental Assistance Fact Sheets
Everything, All the Time, Everywhere: How We Became Postmodern

We are today scarcely capable of conceiving politics as a communal activity because we have become habituated to being consumers rather than citizens. Politicians treat us as consumers to whom they must deliver. Can we do anything other than suffer from buyer’s remorse?
Delivering safe, face-to-face adult day care
History of Social Work in the United Kingdom: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide