Archive for August 2024
Program Profile: Promoting First Relationships for Native Families
Culturally Diverse Student Engagement in Online Higher Education: A Review
Increasing Access to Behavioral Health
Graduating debt-free with a job, this 23-year-old social worker still sees buying a house as out of reach
Austin Urlaub says he comes from a long line of “helpers,” including special education teachers, counselors and psychologists. But the Michigan native is still the first in his family to go directly into social work. He says it’s a calling, that he has “a knack for helping people.” He has served in student government but said many in his social circle questioned his decision to enter the field at first, at least from a financial perspective.
Coping Strategies Associated with Emotional Adjustment during the Dyadic Experience of Infertility and Its Treatment: A Systematic Review
Prevention with purpose: A resource for preventing substance use among student-athletes
Fiscal Year 2025 SNAP cost of living adjustments
Neoliberalism and the University, Part 1
The Associations Observed between Experiencing Multiple Traumatic Events and Mental Health Symptoms among Adolescents in Trinidad
Impact of Hearing Loss and Auditory Rehabilitation on Dyads: A Microsocial Perspective
Neighborly social pressure and collective action: Evidence from a field experiment in Tunisia
Living in an Intimate Partner Violence Shelter During a Pandemic: Perspectives from Advocates and Survivors
UCLan-led multi-million pound project aims to improve health & social care across North West
Funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the four-year Inspiring Students into Research Scheme (INSIGHT) will be delivered in partnership with health and social care employers throughout the North West. It will focus on training newly qualified health and social care professionals to understand research and use it effectively to underpin their practice.
Human Silence
The Challenges of Kinship Care
Learning Underlies Change: The National School of Rehabilitation, Integration, and Recovery in Mental Health
Social workers frightened after disorder – union
Disturbances broke out in Harehills on 18 July as police responded to reports of social workers experiencing hostility while dealing with a child protection issue. Unison said staff faced “incredibly challenging jobs” in situations that were “often intimidating, threatening and potentially violent”.
Recommendation for a Truly Inclusive Society: A Consumer’s Perspective
Training In-service Teachers in Functional Behavior Assessment and Function-Based Interventions: A Scoping Review
Micro-processes of knowledge sharing in higher education: international students as a source
Facebook addiction and its impact on depression: a cross sectional study
The correlations on psychopathology in children self-rating, psychopathology in children as related by their parents and psychopathology in parents self-rating in a Kenyan school setting: towards an inclusive family-centered approach
Atheists and Christians can be Discerned from their Faces
Perceptions of mate poaching predict jealousy towards higher-pitched women’s voices
Our lifestyles are back to ‘normal’, but is our mental health? Longitudinal assessment of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among Spanish adults: April 2021 to August 2022
HHS Awards Phase 1 Winners of Challenge to Prevent Human Trafficking Among Women and Girls
Should scientists be paid when AI chatbots use their work?
Scientists should be compensated and credited when artificial intelligence chatbots pull information from their papers, a collecting society has said. The call comes amid news that two major academic publishers sold access to their research papers and data to large tech firms to train their artificial intelligence models without consulting authors…. The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) collects royalties annually from various organisations around the world including businesses, educational institutions and government agencies on behalf of its over 120,000 members. ALCS’s members include academic researchers, freelance journalists, literary authors, scriptwriters, audiovisual artists and more. This year, ALCS paid out around £44 million to its members.
Teaching: When AI is everywhere, what should instructors do next?
Last week I attended “Teaching and Learning With AI,” organized by the University of Central Florida and held in Orlando, Fla. I was curious to hear how academics are talking and thinking about those tools, especially given the threat many professors feel that generative AI poses to teaching and learning. Would they be enthusiastic? Skeptical? Realistic?
Short answer: all of the above.
Federal Data Inequities in U.S. Territories Hinder Inclusive and Precise Policymaking
The effects of psychosocial interventions applied to forensic psychiatry patients on social functioning and anger level: a meta-analysis study
Effects of a Teacher-Implemented Social Skills Intervention for Elementary Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
The World of the Radical Right
A roundtable discussion on the global networks and political strategies of nationalist conservatives.