Overcoming stigma: how academic ghostwriting companies neutralize their services in Chinese and English markets
An examination of the cross-cultural equivalence of the personality inventory for DSM-5 across Chinese and U.S. samples.
Developing and strengthening services to achieve an integrated continuum of long-term care in Türkiye: EVIPNet evidence brief for policy, number 12
Cognitive‐behavioral therapy for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: A proof‐of‐concept for mechanisms of change and target engagement
Relationships That Persist and Protect: The Role of Enduring Relationships on Early-Adult Outcomes among Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care
Testing the Impact of a Peer-Delivered Family Support Program: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Trial
Order or Stability: The Role of Penal Administrators in the Transformation of Instability within Correctional Institution
Child and adolescent mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: a call for submissions to CAPMH (Series will remain open until December 2024)
Preliminary investigation of objective and subjective experiences of relatives of individuals with hoarding behaviors
Parental separation and death during childhood as predictors of adult psychopathology: An examination of racial differences.
Suicidal ideation and clinician-rated suicide risk in veterans referred for ADHD evaluation at a VA Medical Center.
Previous mental health care and help-seeking experiences: Perspectives from sexual and gender minority survivors of near-fatal suicide attempts.
Demystifying anxiety and demotivation in on-line assessment: a focus on the impacts on academic buoyancy and autonomy
A 12-Month Follow-Up of PROCARE+, a Transdiagnostic, Selective, Preventive Intervention for Adolescents At-Risk for Emotional Disorders
Narrative identity characteristics and personality pathology: An exploration of associations from a dimensional and categorical perspective in a clinical sample of youth.
Moderators of the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and externalizing problems in youth.
Dissociating the impact of alexithymia and impaired self-awareness on emotional distress and aggression after traumatic brain injury.
Catastrophizing is associated with excess cognitive symptom reporting after mild traumatic brain injury.
Response interruption and redirection: A scoping review of its procedural permutations and participant pools.
Gender-inclusive clinical screeners: Using CBCLs and YSRs in a clinic-based sample of transgender/gender-diverse youth.
Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Interventions to Improve Uptake of Diabetes Services in South Africa