Archive for February 2022
CMHA Ontario promotes access to naloxone at work
Divorce, American Style: Fighting for Women’s Economic Citizenship in the Neoliberal Era

Administration for Children & Families: Evaluation Policy
Dollars and Dentists (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
Steven Hollinsworth & Joe: A social workers view of residential child care

Scottish Residential Child Care
Has COVID Affected Pensions for Workers without Social Security?
Exploring predictors of and barriers to online prostate cancer community use: A cross‐sectional survey of users and non‐users
Exploratory attitude survey of homeless persons regarding telecare services in shelters providing mid- and long-term accommodation: The importance of trust
Social incentive factors in interventions promoting sustainable behaviors: A meta-analysis
An Approach to the Boundary Problem: Mental Health Activism and the Limits of Recognition
Addiction Services in Northern Ireland
Promoting inclusivity by ensuring that all patients with mental health issues are offered research opportunities in the NHS
A note on pursuing work on street‐level bureaucracy in developing and transitional countries
‘Ready or not’: care leavers’ views of preparing to leave care
A meta‐analytic investigation of the personal and work‐related antecedents of work–family balance
Why are you (un)conscientious? The dynamic interplay of goals, states, and traits in everyday life
Covariance, feedback, and discounting in ratio schedules
Ethical problems experienced by family caregivers of patient with schizophrenia: A hermeneutic phenomenological study
Implementation of the Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Model in Norway: eHealth Assessment Study
A critique of narrative reviews of the evidence-base for ECT in depression
A typology of power in implementation: Building on the exploration, preparation, implementation, sustainment (EPIS) framework to advance mental health and HIV health equity
Is the legal tail wagging the social work dog?
The national suicide prevention strategy in India: context and considerations for urgent action
Photo-voices from the classroom: photovoice as a creative learning methodology in social work education
Education, anthropogenic environmental change and sustainable development: A rudimentary framework and reflections on proposed causal pathways for positive change in low and lower middle‐income countries
Pharmacological treatment for psychotic depression
Defining and assessing adverse events and harmful effects in psychotherapy study protocols: A systematic review
Pilot TMS for Methamphetamine Use Disorder
Early Antipsychotic Non-response as a Predictor of Non-response and Non-remission in Adolescents With Psychosis Treated With Aripiprazole or Quetiapine: Results From the TEA Trial
The Sleep of Reason Produces Cats

Bargaining for the Common Good: Milton Tambor Reflects on 50 Years in Labor and Social Activism

Screening for borderline personality pathology on college campuses
A History of Euphoria: The Perception and Misperception of Health and Well-Being

Unions are not only good for workers, they’re good for communities and for democracy