Age Differences in STDs, Sexual Behaviors, and Correlates of Risky Sex Among Sexually Experienced Adolescent African-American Females
Adolescent and Parent Motivation for Change Affects Psychotherapy Outcomes Among Youth With Poorly Controlled Diabetes
Karaoke Bar Hostesses and Japan-Korea Wave in Postsocialist China: Fashion, Cosmopolitanism and Globalization
People With Serious Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System: Causes, Consequences, and Correctives
Translation of the diabetes prevention program lifestyle intervention for promoting postpartum weight loss among low-income women
Selective Attentional Bias Towards Pain-Related Threat in Fibromyalgia: Preliminary Evidence for Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Training
Rethinking the Mental Health Treatment Skills of Primary Care Staff: A Framework for Training and Research
Self-regulatory Fatigue in Hematologic Malignancies: Impact on Quality of Life, Coping, and Adherence to Medical Recommendations
Racial Discrimination Is Associated with a Measure of Red Blood Cell Oxidative Stress: A Potential Pathway for Racial Health Disparities
Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility in China’s Sports Lottery Administration and Its Influence on Consumption Behavior
Illusory Control, Gambling, and Video Gaming: An Investigation of Regular Gamblers and Video Game Players
The Effects of Sleep Debt on Risk Perception, Risk Attraction and Betting Behavior During a Blackjack Style Gambling Task
Quality of Antenatal Care Services in the Birim North District of Ghana: Contribution of the Community-Based Health Planning and Services Program
Attitudes, Experience, and Anticipation of Sex Among 5th Graders in an Urban Setting: Does Gender Matter?
Attachment Dimensions and Group Climate Growth in a Sample of Women Seeking Treatment for Eating Disorders
Socioeconomic Context and Emotional-Behavioral Achievement Links: Concurrent and Prospective Associations Among Low- and High-Income Youth
Friendships of Children and Adolescents With Spina Bifida: Social Adjustment, Social Performance, and Social Skills
Dynamic Association Between Interpersonal Functioning and Positive Symptom Dimensions of Psychosis Over Time: A Longitudinal Study of Healthy Adolescents
The personal value of being a palliative care Community Volunteer Worker iniative Uganda: A qualitative study
Developmental Trajectories of Adaptive Behaviors from Early Childhood to Adolescence in a Cohort of 152 Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Confounding by indication of a specific antipsychotic and the increase of body mass index among children and adolescents
Factors associated with subjective quality of life in Korean patients with depressive disorders: the CRESCEND study
Psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in chronic pain patients
Bupropion Versus Sertraline in the Treatment of Depressive Patients with Binge Eating Disorder: Retrospective Cohort Study
Resistance, rebellion and refusal in groups: The three R’s; The Groups Book: Psychoanalytic group theory: Principles and practice including the groups manual: A treatment manual, with clinical vignettes