Archive for November 2024
Economic Inequality
Study maps how nonprofit religious groups set up facilities near abortion clinics
Crisis pregnancy centers are faith-based nonprofit organizations that operate with the goal of persuading pregnant women to continue their pregnancies. They often open close to abortion clinics to intercept women who may be seeking to terminate pregnancies — whether by diverting patients through “sidewalk counseling” outside abortion clinics or positioning themselves close enough to clinics that would-be patients accidentally book appointments with them instead of their intended destinations.
Abuse, Neglect, Adoption & Foster Care
What, Exactly, Is ‘Moderate Drinking’?
Burnout in Residential Support Workers: The Impact of Locus of Control and Perceived Supervisor Support
Mental Health, Socioeconomic Position, and Oral Health: A Path Analysis
Making sense: towards a unified theory of art psychotherapy through the formulation of an aesthetic grid
The effects of witness mental illness and use of special measures in court on individual mock juror decision-making
‘I was denied being with her in her last moments’: campaigners on assisted dying bill
As bill to allow terminally ill people in England and Wales to end their own lives enters parliament, supporters of the law change speak out. Above: Peter says his wife took her life while he was away to avoid implicating him in her death.
Re-storying gendered im/mobilities through a mobile and generationed autoethnography
The role taking dynamics of change recipients: A narrative analysis
Constructions of babyhood among baby room leaders in the UK
Modification of the association between coffee consumption and constipation by alcohol drinking: A cross-sectional analysis of NHANES 2007–2010
Methodological issues in technology-mediated qualitative data collection: a mapping of research undertaken in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic
Volunteering in the youth sector research
Coupling constraints affecting daily mobilities of Swedish families with wheelchair-using children
Hong Kong child protection group logs spike in calls from professionals working with minors
Against Child Abuse says social workers, medical staff and teachers among those that made about 180 hotline calls, up from 83 the year before
Perceptions of Play Among Mothers and Fathers from Low-Income Households in Türkiye
Loneliness and its associations with demographic, lifestyle, social and parental factors among adolescents in Timor-Leste
The Paradox of Play: A Conversation with Ken Corbett and Maggie Nelson
An analysis of Australian online third-party arrangements: past, current and future
‘I’m a social worker and I use cannabis daily for health reasons’ says 47-year-old Milton Keynes woman
D, who specialises in mental health and addictions, takes regular doses of medical cannabis through a special vaporiser to cope with her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) plus other medical conditions.
Inquiry into policy and program design and implementation
Exploring demographic, healthcare, and socio-economic factors as predictors of COVID-19 incidence rate: A spatial regression analysis
NIHR Work and Health Development Awards Round 2 (Closing date: 12 March)
The effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the activities of Initial‐phase Intensive Support Team for Dementia in Kobe City
Data matching to assist with new redress scheme exemption
Redress payments to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse will not be considered an “asset” for the residential aged care subsidy. Above: Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth (l) and Aged Care Minister Anika Wells.
Advancing Situational and Developmental Approaches To Prevent Sexual Violence
Improvement of Quality of Life by Cannabinoids in Oncologic Patients (BELCANTO)
Adoption of the voluntary conflict of interest statement on PubMed
Discover the Power of Immersive Technologies for Nursing and Social Work Collaboration
CfP: Special Issue of Qualitative Health Research on AI (Due by June 1)
CfP | Teaching complex histories: Education during and after conflict (Feb 1)
Drag: A British History
The Parenting Panic
Contrary to both far right and mainstream center-left, there’s no epidemic of chosen childlessness.
Democratic Elites Blame Everyone But Themselves for Historic Collapse
That Democrats are bleeding working-class voters from all demographics is indisputable, so a guilty party has to be found. Obviously the solution cannot be a sustained discussion of economic left populism, as this would challenge the class interests of donors and corporate consultants. So the only culprits that will be discussed in our discourse, again fueled by the very same people responsible for the historic collapse, will be “headwinds,” faceless cohorts of voters who we are told can’t have their minds changed, and vulnerable groups without the political or economic power to defend themselves.
Trends in Oral and Injectable HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Prescriptions in the US, 2013-2023
Older Americans Living Alone Often Rely on Neighbors or Others Willing To Help
American society rests on an assumption that families take care of their own. But 15 million Americans 50 and older didn’t have any close family — spouses, partners, or children — in 2015, the latest year for which reliable estimates are available. Most lived alone. By 2060, that number is expected to swell to 21 million. Beyond that, millions of seniors living on their own aren’t geographically close to adult children or other family members. Or they have difficult, strained relationships that keep them from asking for support.