A report setting out Blackpool Council’s position at the end of the 2023/24 financial year shows children’s services overspent once more, largely due to a rise in the cost of residential placements of nearly 8%. Overall the council overspent by about £8m on delivering services, but better financial performances in other areas mean it was able to stay within the £172m set out in last year’s budget.
Archive for July 2024
The effects of alcohol container labels on consumption behaviour, knowledge, and support for labelling: a systematic review
The chains of the past: A life course perspective on childhood adversity and organizational attitudes and behaviors.
Too depressed and anxious to speak up: The relationships between weekly fluctuations in mental health and silence at work.
Biophilia in the home–workplace: Integrating dog caregiving and outdoor access to explain teleworkers’ daily physical activity, loneliness, and job performance.
Cost–utility analysis of Social Stories™ for children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream primary schools: results from a randomised controlled trial
Teacher perspectives on enhancing wellbeing education through integrating arts‐based practices
The allure of consensus: People (over)seek consensus in selecting group persuasion strategies.
Virtual reality and screen relations in clinical practice – exploring co-creation, inclusivity and exclusivity
Children and young people in conflict with the law: Policy, practice and legislation
Pornography, patriarchy and the western Balkans
One particularly harmful manifestation of this is the glorification of war criminals and perpetrators of violence as embodiments of ‘real men’. A real man is perceived as tough, emotionless, often prone to violence, mirroring these wartime idols. Such men often view women solely as childbearing machines and seek ways to humiliate them to demonstrate their dominance. This is evident in a new trend of Balkan Telegram groups with highly degrading names. Above: ‘Real men’: a scene in a traditional kafana in Ruma, Serbia
A Pilot Study of Resilience, Stress, and Well-Being in Adults With and Without Children in the Home in Ukraine
Efficacy and safety of a mineral and vitamin treatment on symptoms of antenatal depression: 12-week fully blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial (NUTRIMUM)
The psychotherapist’s persuasiveness: Relation to the working alliance and facilitative interpersonal skills.
Active mobility and mental health: A scoping review towards a healthier world
Impact of Supreme Court Chevron Decision on Health Policy
Reframing teacher professionalism in the era of postneoliberalism: the paradox of South Korean education reform
New Zealand Inquiry Findings Of Child Psychiatric Torture Should Prompt U.S. Reforms
CCHR International praised a New Zealand inquiry’s report revealing decades of appalling abuses in psychiatric, behavioral, and disability institutions. Released on July 24 by the Royal Commission, the highest-level inquiry in New Zealand, the findings culminate a six-year, $101 million investigation that uncovered a Kafkaesque nightmare of individuals being tortured under the guise of mental health care.
The Surprise Question and clinician-predicted prognosis: systematic review and meta-analysis
Shibumi: acerbic beauty of the aged face
Elevate your Career in Social Work with an LJMU Degree Apprenticeship
How the Ultrawealthy Use Private Foundations to Bank Millions in Tax Deductions While Giving the Public Little in Return
Charles Johnson and his wife, Ann, collected more than $38 million in tax deductions as a result of donating their estate.
HUD Makes $40 Million Available to Prevent Evictions and Prevent Homelessness
Understanding individualised genetic interventions as research-treatment hybrids
Behavioral Telehealth in Low-resource Primary Care Settings for Anxiety and Depression in Youth (STEP-UP)
Emotion-focused therapy for women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a randomized clinical controlled trial
Knowledge gaps in existing research exploring sexual fluidity and mental health among young adults
Effectiveness of behavioural interventions with motivational interviewing on physical activity outcomes in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Arizona Faces Sweeping Budget Cuts, Driven by Flat Tax and Private School Vouchers
A home-based telehealth randomized controlled trial of skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation versus present-centered therapy for women veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma.
Cognitive function in adolescence and the risk of early-onset stroke
Marcel Réja and theatre therapy
Testing effects for self-generated versus experimenter-provided questions.
Hidden consequences of political discourse at work: How and why ambient political conversations impact employee outcomes.
Call for manuscript submissions: Frailty in older adults (Submission deadline: 30 Nov)
Epidemiological impact of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis screening in men having sex with men: a modelling study
Record Numbers of People Chose ACA Marketplace Coverage for 2024
Industry response to New Zealands vaping regulations
Need Veterans – No One Should Die Alone – Need Veteran Volunteers for Hospice North Houston
Our agency helps individuals and their families cope with a terminal diagnosis and end of life decisions. We provide RN’s, LVN’s, CNA’s, Social workers, and Chaplain’s, as well as volunteer services to help our patients and their families.
Epidemiological analysis of fatal and non-fatal firearm injuries occurring in gun establishments in the United States, 2015-2022
Opinion: Canada must do more to relieve debt facing sex trafficking survivors
So how does it happen? Fraudulent or coercive debt is established when the victim’s identity is stolen by their traffickers, or they are forced to open a credit card in their own name and pay for items or services that support their trafficking such as cellphones, hotel rooms and transportation. This fraud stays with the survivor long after they’ve escaped, overburdening them and often taking them by surprise. Survivors cannot get credit, a job, or safe housing, thereby drastically impeding their recovery.