Archive for July 2024
Hong Kong gov’t launches 8 care teams to reach out to ethnic minorities, with social workers as team captains
Using human rights to advance global health justice in an age of inequality
Peer inclusion and school equality norm associations with intergroup contact, and academic self‐efficacy amongst ethnic majority and ethnic minority youth
Determining the Profiles of NEET Youth in Türkiye from a Well-being Perspective and Policy Development Study
Effectiveness of a group psychological intervention to reduce psychosocial distress in adolescents in Pakistan: a single-blind, cluster randomised controlled trial
School-based learning about sugary drinks: possibilities and potential for curriculum approaches supporting health promotion in New Zealand
University of Minnesota documents stunning impact of poverty on cell function, transplants
NMDP collaborated with researchers at the University of Minnesota to find an association between the poverty of donors for stem cell transplants and the survival outcomes of recipients…. “This study suggests that there is a biological effect of poverty,” said Dr. Jeff Auletta, a senior vice president of health equity for the National Marrow Donor Program. Also known as NMDP, the Minneapolis-based agency matches patients worldwide to the most suitable donor bone marrow and stem cells for transplants.
The incremental association of implementation leadership and school personnel burnout beyond transformational leadership.
Housing assistance in Australia 2024
Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional) (Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date)
Can asymmetric punishment explain norm changes? Comparing complaints and protests against complaints.
AMHP education and training standards guidance [Social Work England]
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the prevention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial
An Intervention Integrating Physical Therapy Exercise and Dance Movement Therapy for Preventing Falls in Older Adults
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in first episode psychosis and risk states: Systematic review with meta-analysis
The response of Canadas clinical health research ecosystem to the COVID-19 pandemic [Research]
Healthy educators need healthy schools: Supporting educator work-related well-being through multitiered systems of support.
How a Community Purchase Law in San Francisco Promotes Affordable Housing
Highlighting the old in the “new normal”: Appealing to conservatives’ focus on the past decreases opposition to COVID-19 measures.
Reviewing How the Affordable Care Act Improved the Health Coverage Landscape
Construction and validation of the Posttraumatic Sexual Behavior Inventory for Women.
Our Mortal Waltz: The Dance of Death Across Centuries
Johann Rudolf Schellenberg’s etchings of death as both a seductress and an enemy of scholars, from an 1803 edition of Johann Karl August Musäus’ Freund heins Erscheinungen in Holbeins Manier (Apparitions of death in the manner of Holbein)
Dementia: A call for a paradigm shift in pre-registration nurse education
Decarceration is the Best Way Prisons Can Adapt to Climate Change
When smoke from wildfires in Quebec started blanketing New York’s morning sky last summer… an incarcerated person at Otisville Correctional Facilities west of Newburgh, figured it was probably a chemical explosion…. “Collectively, we were confused,” he wrote. “Then we became worried when we realized that the New York Department of Corrections didn’t have a plan for what to do.”
Some Youths at State’s Juvenile Prison Complain of Isolation. The Department Of Corrections Sees Progress.
A security fence surrounds the entrance to the Lincoln Hills School for Boys and Copper Lake School for Girls complex in rural Irma, Wisconsin…. Some youths in custody have been telling their legal representation that they are being “isolated for prolonged periods.”
Us and ours: Anti-immigrant sentiment as a function of common resource management.
Taylor & Francis AI Deal Sets ‘Worrying Precedent’ for Academic Publishing
The publisher didn’t give authors any notice before selling access to its data to Microsoft for $10 million. The agreement could improve academic research, but it further entrenches the predatory nature of academic publishing, experts say.
Intensivist’s responses to potentially traumatic events: A qualitative study.
Call for abstracts: 2nd All Ireland Social Work Research Conference (Due by 7 August)
School personnel well-being: Advancing measurement, best practices, and policy—Section 1: The role of context and competence in educator well-being.
Community Resilience Estimates for Equity: Puerto Rico Profiles
‘Getting control of Corona takes many angles’: COVID-19 vaccine knowledge, attitudes and beliefs among refugee/immigrant/migrant communities in four US cities
Systematic review of types of safety incidents and the processes and systems used for safety incident reporting in care homes
Pinching pennies or money to burn? The role of grit in financial behaviors.
Understanding TANF Cost Recovery in the Child Support Program
An isolated viral load test may generate false positive results for people using long-acting PrEP
Colorized transmission electron micrograph of HIV-1 virus particles (blue) budding and replicating from an H9 T cell (bright green). The virus particles are in various stages of maturity, which accounts for differences in shape.
Comparing Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Children’s Oral Narratives Using Movies and Static Books
Counting Feminicide: Data Feminism in Action
Trauma and posttraumatic growth in women refugees: A bibliometric analysis of research output over time.
Teacher well-being and organizational citizenship behavior in Arab educational system in Israel: The implications of teacher collective involvement in decision making and organizational commitment.
Supervised inhalation is a necessary intervention
In all Canadian safe consumption sites, people can inject, snort and orally consume substances. For years, inhaling substances has been promoted by harm-reduction advocates to help curb the spread of viruses like HIV and hepatitis C. However, few safe consumption sites offer indoor supervised inhalation services, even though the federal exemption through Health Canada allows for it. Above: Women wait to enter a supervised consumption site