Examining the unique and interactive associations of gender and race on PTSD symptom severity among military sexual trauma survivors.
‘It wasnt what I was suited for: regretful mothers negotiating their reproductive decision and mother role
Suicide poisoning mortality: a comparison of the national poison data system and centers for disease control national dataset
Sexual and reproductive health clinical consultations: abortion in non-specialist community-based clinics
Comparing gesture frequency between autistic and neurotypical individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Think your way to happiness? Investigating the role of need for cognition in well-being through a three-level meta-analytic approach
Seeking help for mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal analysis of adults’ experiences with digital technologies and services
A nervous wait: Instagram’s sensitive-content screens cause anticipatory anxiety but do not mitigate reactions to negative content
Joseph Cimpian, New York University – Misleading Numbers: Examining Data Reliability in Public Health
Lifestyle factors as mediators of area-level socioeconomic differentials in mental health and cognitive function: the Tromso Study
Amphetamine: new analysis on Europe’s most common synthetic stimulant highlights sophisticated EU-based production and environmental concerns
Chronic pain patients low in social connectedness report higher pain and need deeper pressure for pain relief.
The longest year ever: Emotions and time perception interact to predict how frequently individuals engage in COVID-19 avoidance behaviors.
Who needs nature? The influence of employee speciesism on nature-based need satisfaction and subsequent work behavior.
Imagine paying for a course, then you end up teaching: Black woman doctoral students in equity, social justice, and diversity courses.
Mental, physical, and social well-being and quality of life in healthy young adult twin pairs discordant and concordant for body mass index
Affective dependence, self-regulation, and alcohol problems: Between- and within-person associations.
The relations of kindergarten early literacy skill trajectories on common progress monitoring measures to subsequent word reading skills for students at risk for reading difficulties.
Does the first letter of one’s name affect life decisions? A natural language processing examination of nominative determinism.
Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Adaptation of Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5 (ACLS-5) with Individuals with Schizophrenia
Strategic Navigations of Identity in the Face of Bi-Erasure: Narratives of Bisexual College Student Identity Negotiation
Do maternal obstetric morbidity and its concomitants differ between sedente and migrant groups? The case of the Oraon populations of Eastern India
Early Career Researchers: A Joint Collection from the American Journal of Epidemiology and the European Journal of Public Health
On the accuracy, media representation, and public perception of psychological scientists’ judgments of societal change.
Knowledge and attitudes of rural healthcare providers regarding domestic violence against women: a systematic review
A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Integrating Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis for Adolescents and Young Adults
An Examination of Parental Weight Stigma and Weight Talk Among Socioeconomically and Racially/Ethnically Diverse Parents
On stimulus avoidance assessment to inform treatment efficacy: A retrospective consecutive case series.
Methods Used to Control the Reproductive Choices of Women Who Are Sex Trafficked: Considerations for Health Care Providers
History of incarceration and age-related neurodegeneration: Testing models of genetic and environmental risks in a longitudinal panel study of older adults
The Effect of Affective Temperament, Pain Catastrophizing, and Anxiety Sensitivity on Pain Severity in Patients With Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Pilot Study
Beyond Norma Rae: How Puerto Rican and Southern White Women Fought for a Place in the American Working Class
A Narrative Review of Literature Examining Studies Researching the Impact of Law on Health and Economic Outcomes