The effect of non-medical cannabis retailer proximity on use of mental health services for psychotic disorders in Ontario, Canada
The acceptability, feasibility and efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents in the management of overweight or obesity: A scoping review
Prescription for Cash? Cash Support to Low-Income Families in Maternal and Pediatric Health Care Settings
Understanding the Association Between Humor and Emotional Distress: The Role of Light and Dark Humor in Predicting Depression, Anxiety, and Stress
Exposure Therapy with a First-Generation, Latino Transgender Man: A Dialectical Behavior and Feminist Therapy Framework
Are we all influencers now? Feminist activists discuss the distinction between being an activist and an influencer
Effectiveness of primary care psychological therapy services for treating depression and anxiety in autistic adults in England: a retrospective, matched, observational cohort study of national health-care records
What counts: The state of funding for the prevention of gender-based violence against women and girls
Organizational stability and resocialization in public administrations: Theory and evidence from Norwegian civil servants (1986–2016)
Psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of human studies
Assessment of telepsychiatry services provided by Okasha Institute of Psychiatry during COVID-19 pandemic
Effects of a social network intervention on HIV seroconversion among people who inject drugs in Ukraine: moderation by network gender composition
The effectiveness of telehealth interventions in suicide prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis