The Impact of Internalizing Symptoms on Impairment for Children With ADHD: A Strength-Based Perspective
Is epilepsy related to psychiatric disorders in people with intellectual disability? A systematic review
Enduring Equity Questions: A Sequence Analysis of Citations in Response to Racial Inequity via the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
Racial Stress and Trauma and the Development of Adolescent Depression: A Review of the Role of Vigilance Evoked by Racism-Related Threat
Florida Trauma Responsive and Caring Environment: Exploratory Factor Analysis of a Staff and Youth Trauma-Informed Self-Assessment Tools in Juvenile Residential Programs
Intranasal Use of Prescription Stimulants Among Adults Aged 18 to 30: Results From A Crowdsourcing Platform
Supervisors’ interpersonal styles: An integrative perspective and a measure based on self‐determination theory
Unenviable decisions: Is it ethically justifiable to withhold parenteral nutrition from infants with ultra-short bowel syndrome?
Evaluation of a Program to Screen Patients in Community Pharmacies for Opioid Misuse and Accidental Overdose
Inconsistency is the Consistency: The Title IX Reporting Process for Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Within Maryland Public Universities
Understanding Fathers’ Experiences of Stigma and Discrimination to Better Support Delivery of Healthy Relationship Education in Fatherhood Programs
Parents’ views on facilitating and inhibiting factors in the development of attachment relationships with their children with severe disabilities
Does Dynamic Assessment Offer An Alternative Approach to Identifying Reading Disorder? A Systematic Review
Adult ADHD Treatment Based on Combination of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as Measured by Subjective and Objective Scales
Secure Attachment Relationships With Mothers, But Not Fathers, Moderate the Relation Between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Symptoms and Delinquency in Adolescents
Why Your Doctor Didn’t Go to Class: Student Culture, High-Stakes Testing, and Novel Coupling Configurations in an Allopathic Medical School
Book Review: Diversity and social justice in counseling, psychology, and psychotherapy: A case study approach by Kassan, A., & Moodley, R.
Book Review: #MeToo-informed therapy: Counseling approaches for men, women, and couples by Wexler, D. B., & Sweet, H. B.
Discrimination and Calibration Properties of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide–Revised in a Not Criminally Responsible Provincial Population
The Adult Offending Outcomes of Adolescents Who Have Perpetrated a Sex Offense: Is Sexual Offending in Adolescence Indicative of Things to Come?
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome (Sluggish Cognitive Tempo) and Social Withdrawal: Advancing a Conceptual Model to Guide Future Research
Needs or obligations? The influence of childcare infrastructure and support norms on grandparents’ labour market participation
Indicators of familialism and defamilialization in long-term care: A theoretical overview and introduction of macro-level indicators
Unmet Needs for Help at Home: How Older Adults and Adults With Disabilities Are Faring in California:
Promoting sleep in low-income older adults with disabilities: Comparing CAPABLE with a social engagement control
The Americans With Disabilities Act and the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: Intersection, Divergence, and the Path Forward
Measuring quality of dying, death and end-of-life care for children and young people: A scoping review of available tools
Return to work after chronic disease: A theoretical framework for understanding the worker-employer dynamic
‘Internet is easy if you know how to use it’: Doing online research with people with learning disabilities during the COVID‐19 pandemic
The Stark realities of reproducible statistically orientated sociological research: Some newer rules of the sociological method