RAM cannula versus short binasal prongs for nasal continuous positive airway pressure delivery in preterm infants: a randomized, noninferiority trial from low-middle-income country
Preschool teachers’ language-related pedagogical beliefs and their relation to observed classroom quality
Serum urea acid and urea nitrogen levels are risk factors for maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study
College students’ perceptions of individuals following popular diets and individuals with Orthorexia Nervosa
Math for 2s and 3s: The impact of parent-child math activities on parents’ beliefs and behaviors and young children’s math skill development
Does body appreciation predict decreases in eating pathology via intuitive eating? A longitudinal mediation analysis
Room to grow: examining participation and stability in child care subsidies using state administrative data
Exploring moderate to vigorous physical activity for women with post-traumatic stress disorder: A scoping review
Nodes of the default mode network implicated in the quality of empathic responses: A clinical perspective of the empathic response
Short Report: Outcomes for siblings associated with sub-groups of autistic children with intellectual disability identified by latent profile analysis
Trajectory of health-related quality of life during the last year of life in patients with advanced non-small–cell lung cancer
Internet-delivered acceptance-based behavior therapy for trichotillomania and skin-picking disorder in a psychiatric setting: A feasibility trial
Oncology nursing practices in the management of chemotherapy-related oral mucositis in accordance with evidence-based guidelines: a descriptive and cross-sectional study
COPD Self-Management for Adults Living in Rural Areas: Systematic Review of Telehealth and Non-Telehealth Interventions
Childhood neighborhoods and health: Census-based neighborhood measures versus residential lived experiences
A qualitative comparison of the nutrition care experiences of carers supporting patients with head and neck cancer throughout surgery and radiation treatment and survivorship
Mental Health Interventions for Elite-Level Athletes in a Sport-Specific Context: A Systematic Review
Serum diamine oxidase activity derived from response to chemotherapy affects adverse events and serum amino acid levels
The effect of physical activity on quality of life and parenting stress in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized controlled trial
Full-Year Health Insurance Coverage Increased for Nonelderly Adults in Medicaid Expansion States Between 2019 and 2022
Stakeholder intention to engage in fidelity measurement methods in community mental health settings: A mixed methods study
The Relationship of Parental Personality Disorders with Offspring Eating Disorders at Childhood and Adolescence Age
Femme/Butch/Androgyne Identity and Preferences for Femininity Across Face, Voice, and Personality Traits in Chinese Lesbian and Bisexual Women
The historical analysis of childhood and juvenile delinquency: Implications of american social trend and thought
The hope & wellness screening toolkit: developing a community based suicide and substance use screening program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Exploring the Links Between Corruption and Human Rights Violations with a Focus on the Private Sector
Social network addiction symptoms and body dissatisfaction in young women: exploring the mediating role of awareness of appearance pressure and internalization of the thin ideal