Factors influencing refugees’ willingness to accept COVID‐19 vaccines in Greater Sydney: a qualitative study
South Korean counselors’ perceived multicultural counseling competence: Relationship with openness to experience, perceived general counseling competence, and multicultural counseling education/practice
Mobile phone parenting in work‐separated Chinese families with young children left behind: A qualitative inquiry into parenting dimensions and determinants
Feminism from the margins: How women are contesting the “othering” of Muslims through arts‐based resistance?
Promoting resilience to depression among couples during pregnancy: The protective functions of intimate relationship satisfaction and self‐compassion
Exploring the beliefs, experiences and impacts of HIV-related self-stigma amongst adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Harare, Zimbabwe: A qualitative study
The Secret Life of Energy in Refugee Camps: Invisible Objects, Technologies, and Energy Systems in Humanitarianism
Supporting young people’s cognition and communication in the courtroom: A scoping review of current practices
Agreement Between Mother and Father Reports of IPV in a Sample of Child Protection Referred Coparents
Randomized controlled trial of cognitive remediation therapy in adolescent inpatients with anorexia nervosa: Neuropsychological outcomes
The Utility of Administrative Data in Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Child Maltreatment: Learning From the Scotland Experience
An Investigation of Surgical Nurses’ Professional Values, Ethical Sensitivity and Quality of Care: A Cross-Sectional Study From Northwest Turkey
Commentary: Person-specific, multivariate, and dynamic analytic approaches to actualize ACBS task force recommendations for contextual behavioral science
Eating disorder psychopathology: The role of attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and personality functioning
Cultural adaptation of World Health Organization iSupport for Dementia program for Chinese-Australian caregivers
Examination of differential effects of cognitive abilities on reading and mathematics achievement across race and ethnicity: Evidence with the WJ IV
Perceptions of Women With Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use Disorder on Mechanisms Underlying Mindfulness-Based Interventions
Examining Whether Practical Measures of Neighborhood Characteristics Improve Correctional Risk Assessment Tools
Older Adults’ Preventive Behaviors During COVID-19 Outbreak: Application of Multiple Disadvantage Model
Creativity of Creativity Researchers: Invention of Problems and Experimental Objects to Study Thinking
Securing citizens’ social rights under neoliberal welfare governance: the case of Israeli social services