Archive for June 2022
Predictors of children’s emotion regulation outcomes during COVID‐19: Role of conflict within the family
Tobacco cigarette smokers who endorse greater intolerance for nicotine withdrawal also report more severe insomnia symptoms.
What We Think When We Think About (Interpersonal) Violence: Understanding Knowledge Production
Childhood trauma and treatment outcomes during mood‐stabilising treatment with lithium or quetiapine among outpatients with bipolar disorder
More than the Sum of Their Parts: Approaches to Understand a Network of Plans
Civic leadership, emotions and social change: decolonial ethnographic research on an American Indian non-profit organisation
Suicide Risk Reduction Project
Proxy‐report in individuals with intellectual disability: A scoping review
Attachment-based practice with children, adolescents and families: Understanding strategies and promoting positive change
One foot on shore: An analysis of global millionaires’ demand for U.S. investor visas
From Hopelessness and Despair to Hope and Recovery: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy as Effective Agent of Change in the Treatment of a Psychiatric Patient
Consultations’ demand for a hospital palliative care unit: how to increase appropriateness? Implementing and evaluating a multicomponent educational intervention aimed at increase palliative care complexity perception skill
Emotionally focused therapists’ experiences serving interabled couples in couple therapy: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Birthing A Secret Creative Self in Suppressive Organizations
Developing a Master Plan for Aging
The effectiveness of physical activity interventions using activity trackers during or after inpatient care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Working in “a meat grinder”: A research roundup showing prison and jail jobs aren’t all that states promise they will be
Difficulties in accessing health services among the elderly in the city of São Paulo-Brazil
Robust crisis communication in turbulent times: Conceptualization and empirical evidence from the United States
America’s Gun Fetish | Chris Hedges
Assessing the extent of shared decision making in Pediatrics: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the German CollaboRATE pediatric scales for patients aged 7–18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports
Early language intervention improves behavioral adjustment in school: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial
Comparing witness performance in the field versus the lab: How real-world conditions affect eyewitness decision-making.
Are Refugees (Really) a Hard-to-Survey Group? Fieldwork Experience with Syrian Refugees in Germany
Induced abortion and access to contraception in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic
Drivers of activity in children’s social care
“When nobody listens, go online”: The “807” labor movement against workplace sexism in China’s tech industry
A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls
Remaining Hopeful During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of NGOs in Filling the Social Support Gap for Vulnerable Children
Enhancing Childline’s counselling model: early implementation experiences
Social policy reform driven by crises: Promoting and reshaping social policy during the SARS and COVID‐19 pandemics in China
The Power of Protest on Policing: Black Lives Matter Protest and Civilians Evaluation of the Police
Co-production practice and future research priorities in United Kingdom-funded applied health research: a scoping review
Thrive Online: Helping educators, parents and carers, to support young people aged 11 and over with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Decisions and mechanisms of intergroup bias in children’s third‐party punishment
Hope Virgo – ‘Driving change in eating disorder care’
Feeling protected: protective masculinity and femininity from Donald Trump and Joe Biden to Jacinda Ardern
Education Under Attack 2022
Reducing youth offending: evidence from three new systematic reviews
The Chris Hedges Report: Struggle makes us human
An exploration of young people’s experiences relating to stability and permanence throughout their care journey
The role of beliefs about sleep in nightly perceptions of sleep quality across a depression continuum
No Medical Justification: Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama’s Psychiatric Hospitals, 1952–1972
Making the Invisible Visible: State Strategies for Identifying and Reaching Family Caregivers
Internationalization of counseling: Integrating the Western theories and practices into the local ways
How vaccinations are going in your county and state
Updated June 15, 2022