Archive for February 2021
An analysis of participation factors and effects of the active labour market measure Graduate practice in Slovakia – Counterfactual approach
Antibiotics, rational drug use and the architecture of global health in Zimbabwe
‘My father is a gardener … ’: A systematic narrative review on access and use of the garden by people living with dementia
Do gender differences in academic attainment correspond with scholastic attitudes? An exploratory study in a UK secondary school
Childhood trauma and adult mental disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of longitudinal cohort studies
The Black Death: everything you wanted to know
State emotion modulation and loss-of-control eating in individuals with obesity: A preliminary ecological momentary assessment study
Is personality associated with dementia risk? A meta-analytic investigation
Reducing stress and promoting well-being in healthcare workers using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for life
Laws limiting prescribing and dispensing of opioids in the United States, 1989–2019
Lockdowns and low- and middle-income countries: building a feasible, effective, and ethical COVID-19 response strategy
Development and validation of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills Scale among college students
So, Doctors, Let’s Rejoice in Our Life Sentence [Gaudeamus Igitur]!
Blood pressure as a predictor of everyday cognitive function in aging adults with and without fibromyalgia
Strategies used by emergency care professionals to handle interpersonal difficulties with patients: a qualitative study
How does she do it all? Effects of education on reconciliation of employment and informal caregiving among Austrian women
Children and Trees
Asymmetry in inter-municipal cooperation in health services – How does it affect service quality and autonomy?
Testing the reliability of the Health Literacy Questionnaire with carers of older adults receiving hospital care
Correction to: Face Memory Deficits in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adolescents “walking the talk”: How value importance and enactment relate to well-being and risk-taking
Post-traumatic Stress and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents After the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal: A Longitudinal Study
Sleep–Wake Timings in Adolescence: Chronotype Development and Associations with Adjustment
A developmental perspective on personality and psychopathology across the life span
Multi–sensory impairment: convenient label or recipe for confusion? A scoping review of research conducted in England (2001‐20)
Increasing Social Work Students’ Participation in Macro Specializations: The Impossible Dream?
How intersectoral policy networks shape affordable housing outcomes
Charlotte Towle (1896- 1966): Social Worker, Academic, Author of “Common Human Needs”
Charlotte Towle. Laurin Hyde and Wilman Walker