Risk of falls and fear of falling in older adults residing in public housing in Ontario, Canada: findings from a multisite observational study
Uptake of couples HIV testing and counselling among heterosexual couples in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Strength in Numbers or Quality over Quantity? Examining the Importance of Criterion Measure Selection to Define Validity Groups in Performance Validity Test (PVT) Research
A Review of Remote Fieldwork Supervision for BCBA® Trainees by Lisa N. Britton and Matthew J. Cicoria
Cigarette smoking among university students aged 18–24 years in New Zealand: results of the first (baseline) of two national surveys
Change in popliteal angle and hamstrings spasticity during childhood in ambulant children with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy. A register-based cohort study
Evaluation of the safety and tolerability of a nutritional Formulation in patients with ANgelman Syndrome (FANS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Examining the Potential of Blockchain Technology to Meet the Needs of 21st-Century Japanese Health Care: Viewpoint on Use Cases and Policy
Clinicians’ use of and attitudes towards technology to provide and support interventions in child and adolescent mental health services
Is greenery associated with mental health among residents of aged care facilities? A systematic search and narrative review
A population-based analysis of suicidality and its correlates: findings from the National Mental Health Survey of India, 2015–16
Marriage Decline in Korea: Changing Composition of the Domestic Marriage Market and Growth in International Marriage
A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation Studies of Drug-Based Non-Malignant Chronic Pain Treatment
Perceptions of participants and staff of implementing a physical activity program in rural primary care
Cross-domain associations of key cognitive correlates of early reading and early arithmetic in 5-year-olds
A third of community-dwelling elderly with intermediate and high level of Alzheimer’s neuropathologic changes are not demented: A meta-analysis
Reflections on Directions in Health Education: Implications for Policy and Practice. AAHE Scholar Address Revisited – Fast Forward 30 Years
Distinguishing the Relative Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury on iPad-Measured Cognitive Function
Sexual health needs of female sex workers in Cote dIvoire: a mixed-methods study to prepare the future implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention
Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: a systematic review of the past decade
Investigating opioid-related fatalities in southern Sweden: contact with care-providing authorities and comparison of substances
A Longitudinal Examination of Community Violence Exposure, School Belongingness, and Mental Health Among African-American Adolescent Males
What Drives Support for Transgender Rights? Assessing the Effects of Biological Attribution on U.S. Public Opinion of Transgender Rights
Effective Components of Social Skills Training Programs for Children and Adolescents in Nonclinical Samples: A Multilevel Meta-analysis
The journey from epistemic vigilance to epistemic trust: service-users experiences of a community mentalization- based treatment programme for Anti-Social personality disorder (ASPD)