Trends in opioid use disorder and overdose among opioid‐naive individuals receiving an opioid prescription in Massachusetts from 2011 to 2014
Building cardiovascular disease competence in an urban poor Ghanaian community: A social psychology of participation approach
Unmet needs of patients with cancer in their last year of life as described by caregivers in a developing world setting: a qualitative study
Examining parent-report of Children’s emotion regulation in paediatric OCD: Associations with symptom severity, externalising behaviour and family accommodation
Meningococcal vaccine uptake among men who have sex with men in response to an invasive meningococcal C disease outbreak in Melbourne, Australia
Human papillomavirus and abnormal cervical lesions among HIV-infected women in HIV-discordant couples from Kenya
How do Admiral Nurses and care home staff help people living with dementia and their family carers prepare for end‐of‐life?
The Associations Between Physical and Psychological Symptoms and Traumatic Military Deployment Exposures
Highlights from the 2019 Building Bridges Workshop [American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) occupational safety and health]
No Herd for Black Sheep: A Meta‐Analytic Review of the Predictors and Outcomes of Workplace Ostracism
A closer look at labour market status and crime among a general population sample of young men and women
Preoperative prognostic nutritional index predicts postoperative delirium in elderly patients after hip fracture surgery
The Italian ICD-11 field trial: clinical utility of diagnostic guidelines for schizophrenia and related disorders
Increased Direct Retrieval of Overgeneral Categoric Memory in Individuals with Dysphoria and a History of Major Depression
Deprescribing in Older People Approaching End of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial Using STOPPFrail Criteria
Introducing SYPRENE: An International Practice Research Network for Strategic and Systemic Therapists and Researchers
Parental Divorce and Externalizing Problem Behavior in Adulthood. A Study on Lasting Individual, Family and Peer Risk Factors for Externalizing Problem Behavior when Experiencing a Parental Divorce
Longitudinal associations between parental incarceration and children’s emotional and behavioural development: Results from a population cohort study
Short stay unit for patients in acute mental health crisis: A case‐control study of readmission rates
Associations Between Perceived Susceptibility to Pregnancy and Contraceptive Use in a National Sample of Women Veterans
Parental aggravation may tell more about a child’s mental/behavioral health than Adverse Childhood Experiences: Using the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health
Factors associated with life satisfaction of adolescents living with employed and unemployed parents in Spain and Portugal: A person focused approach
An eHealth insomnia intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: Results of a usability study
From context to contexting: professional identity un/doing in a medical leadership development programme