Archive for 2020
Olanzapine, risperidone, and aripiprazole use in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Overestimated functional dependency in older patients: Can we blame gender difference, unneeded assistance or assessment tools?
Randomized trial testing the integration of the Good Behavior Game and MyTeachingPartner™: The moderating role of distress among new teachers on student outcomes
Schema modes as a common mechanism of change in personality pathology and functioning: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Data Resource Profile: The Mental Health of Children and Young People Surveys (MHCYP)
Nonresponse Bias in Inequality Measurement: Cross‐Country Analysis Using Luxembourg Income Study Surveys
Associations Between Domain Differentiated Sibling Conflict and Adolescent Problem Behavior
Design and pilot testing of a church-based intervention to address interpersonal and intrapersonal barriers to uptake of family planning in rural Tanzania: a qualitative implementation study
Standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations – Australasian neonatal parenteral nutrition consensus update 2017
Effectiveness of Checklist-Based Box System Interventions (CBBSI) versus routine care on improving utilization of maternal health services in Northwest Ethiopia: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Is there a place for cutting‐down‐to‐stop in smoking cessation support?
The highs and lows of the opium trade in southern Africa
Patients’ interpersonal problems as moderators of depression outcomes in a randomized controlled trial comparing mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy and a group version of the cognitive‐behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy in chronic depression
Motoring offences in Wales, 2017-2018
Design of a randomized controlled trial to Link Infectious and Narcology Care (LINC-II) in St. Petersburg, Russia
EU agencies’ involvement in transboundary crisis response: Supporting efforts or leading coordination?
Global Epidemics, Local Implications African Immigrants and the Ebola Crisis in Dallas
How fear and stigma affected the lives of African immigrants during the global Ebola epidemic—and the resilient ways in which immigrant communities responded.