Archive for 2020
Attitudes toward hiring people with disabilities: A meta‐cognitive approach to persuasion
Dynamic Multistate Models With Constant Cross-Product Ratios: Applications to Poverty Status
The Alba Method and the Science of Emotions
How Thinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry, and Avoidance Processes in Adjustment to Bereavement
CHI-902 for Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder
Faster access to cannabis-based medicines as import restrictions are changed
Non-pharmacological interventions for adult ADHD: a systematic review
Are Police Targeting Rural America for Mass Incarceration?
The potential of digital credentials to engage students with capabilities of importance to scholars and citizens
A systematic review and Bayesian meta‐analysis of interventions which target or assess co‐use of tobacco and cannabis in single‐ or multi‐substance interventions
Fixing Clinical Practice Guidelines
The Case for Progress in Forensic Psychiatry
The effect of trauma and dissociation on the outcome of cognitive behavioural therapy for binge eating disorder: A 6‐month prospective study
“I found it daunting”: An exploration of educational needs and experiences of mental health student nurses working with children and adolescents with eating disorders
Effective Reading Instructional Practices for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Elective egg freezing for age-related fertility decline [Practice]
Developing a Logic Model for the Triple‐C Intervention: A Practice‐Derived Intervention to Support People with Intellectual Disability and Challenging Behavior
Neoliberal housing policy – a history
The problems of housing crises, gentrification, homelessness, unfettered real estate capital and unregulated development are hardly unfamiliar issues. Their effects are everywhere apparent in the modern city.