Asking the teachers: A Delphi study on the selection of skills and behaviours for an assessment of barriers to learning for pupils on the autism spectrum with intellectual disabilities
“No thanks, I don’t want to see snakes again”: a qualitative study of pain management versus preservation of cognition in palliative care patients
Whose program is this? Negotiations in designing a student-initiated and student-led Jewish-Arab/Palestinian dialogue program on campus
Self-critical perfectionism and lower mindfulness and self-compassion predict anxious and depressive symptoms over two years
The effect of breaches of the psychological contract on the job satisfaction and wellbeing of doctors in Ireland: a quantitative study
Investigation of the differences between the medical personnel’s and general population’s view on the doctor-patient relationship in China by a cross-sectional survey
Expectations versus Reality: The Well‐Being of Female Migrant Workers in Garment Factories in Myanmar1
Social burden of people with the migraine diagnosis in Japan: evidence from a population-based cross-sectional survey
Child and adolescent mental health trajectories in relation to exclusion from school from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
In search of a dose–response relationship in SSRIs—a systematic review, meta‐analysis, and network meta‐analysis
Purchasing, consumption, demographic and socioeconomic variables associated with shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Combined Approach to Multi-Informant Data Using Latent Factors and Latent Classes: Trifactor Mixture Model
Are We Getting What We Really Want? A Systematic Review of Concordance Between Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Documentation and Subsequent Care Delivered at End-of-Life
Understanding Facilitators and Barriers to Professional Development Use Among the Early Care and Education Workforce
Distribution of sickness absence risk across different levels and patterns of drinking: findings from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort