P.C. Luzzatto, Susanne Wenger: Artist and Priestess , Firenze Atheneum, Firenze (2009) ISBN 978-88-7255-358-9 181 pp., price: €15.20.
The role of email guidance in internet-based cognitive-behavioural self-care treatment for bulimia nervosa
The Association Between Income Inequality and Mental Health: Testing Status Anxiety, Social Capital, and Neo-Materialist Explanations
Treatment of HIV in Outpatients with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Bipolar Disease at Two County Clinics
Women’s experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period in The Gambia: A qualitative study
Predictors of support provision: A study with couples adapting to incontinence following radical prostatectomy
The Premises is the Premise: Understanding Off- and On-premises Alcohol Sales Outlets to Improve Environmental Alcohol Prevention Strategies
The Use of Multisensory Environments in Schools for Students with Severe Disabilities: Perceptions from Teachers
Standardizing the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS) Rotation Scale with Computerized Technology
Disparity in disability between native-born non-Hispanic white and foreign-born Asian older adults in the United States: Effects of educational attainment and age at immigration
Using cognitive enhancers to improve the treatment of anxiety disorders in young people: Examining the potential for D-cycloserine to augment exposure for child anxiety
An Oral History of First-Generation Leaders in Education of Children With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Part 3: The Future
Are economic trends associated with child maltreatment? Preliminary results from the recent recession using state level data
What Patients with Anorexia Nervosa Should Wear When They Are Being Weighed: Report of Two Pilot Surveys
Shared decision making: using health information technology to integrate patient choice into primary care
Long-term Effects of Prenatal Cigarette Smoke Exposure on Behavior Dysregulation Among 14-Year-Old Offspring of Teenage Mothers
Using Sentinel Surveillance System to Monitor Seasonal and Novel H1N1 Influenza Infection in Houston, Texas: Outcome Analysis of 2008–2009 Flu Season
Intervention Induced Changes on Parenting Practices, Youth Self-Pride and Sexual Norms to Reduce HIV-Related Behaviors Among Rural African American Youths
Effectiveness of the MMPI-2-RF Validity Scales for Feigned Mental Disorders and Cognitive Impairment: A Known-Groups Study
Happiness and Unhappiness in the Developing World: Life Satisfaction Among Sex Workers, Dump-Dwellers, Urban Poor, and Rural Peasants in Nicaragua
Tests of Objectification Theory in Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Community Samples: Mixed Evidence for Proposed Pathways