Long-term effects of a community-based lifestyle intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes: the DEPLOY extension pilot study
Encountering being, identity, and otherness: Reconsidering Guimaraes’s ”Amerindian anthropology and cultural psychology” and Amerindian perspectivism, with insights from anthropology of religion, African humanities, and collaborative ethnography
(Re)writing biography: Memory, identity, and textually mediated reality in coming to terms with the past
Improving Household Surveys through Computer Assisted Data Collection: Use of Touch-Screen Laptops in Challenging Environments
Use of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) for Children With High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome
SAMPAL: A Program for Determining Sample Sizes for Testing and Estimating Coefficient Alpha and for Comparing Two Alpha Coefficients
EU Disability Policy and Implications of EU Accession for Disability Rights in Education and Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Implications of EU Accession for Disability Rights Legislation and Housing in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Residential segregation, health behavior and overweight/obesity among a national sample of African American adults
The applicability of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in predicting adherence to ART among a South African sample
How meaningful are data from Likert scales? An evaluation of how ratings are made and the role of the response shift in the socially disadvantaged
Go Fast! Reaction Time Differences between Adults and Adolescents in Evaluating Risky Traffic Situations
Promoting or Perturbing Success: The Effects of Aid on Timing to Latino Students’ First Departure from College
White Perceptions of Whether African Americans and Hispanics are Prone to Violence and Support for the Death Penalty
Effects of First-Time Imprisonment on Postprison Mortality: A 25-Year Follow-Up Study with a Matched Control Group
Social Expectations and Behavioral Indicators in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: A National Study of Behavior Matrices
Illinois Statewide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Evolution and Impact on Student Outcomes Across Years
Behavior Support Interventions Implemented by Families of Young Children: Examination of Contextual Fit
Adjusting the Adjusted {chi}2/df Ratio Statistic for Dichotomous Item Response Theory Analyses: Does the Model Fit?
Evaluation of Model Selection Strategies for Cross-Level Two-Way Differential Item Functioning Analysis
On the Relationship Between Differential Item Functioning and Item Difficulty: An Issue of Methods? Item Response Theory Approach to Differential Item Functioning
Level of Consciousness in Dying Patients.: The Role of Palliative Sedation: A Longitudinal Prospective Study