The three-tiered Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) model is now being implemented in more than 13,000 schools in the United States (Horner, Sugai, & Anderson, 2010). One core feature of Tier One of the SWPBIS model is the identification of social expectations and behavior indicators across all school settings. This study examined the types and frequency of schools’ social expectations and behavioral indicators as they were written into their behavior matrices. Participants from 155 schools located in 12 regionally representative states provided a sample of their behavioral matrix. Analyses of the matrices showed that three social expectations (respect, responsibility, and safety) occurred in more than 60% of behavior matrices. In addition, behavior indicators (e.g., walk to the right, quiet voices, hands to self) were identified for the four most frequent social expectations. Regional and state comparisons of social expectation frequency indicate homogeneity of categories across the country. Based on the findings, implications and suggestions for future research and practice are discussed.