African American, White and Latino Fathers’ Activities with their Sons and Daughters in Early Childhood
Gender-related Risk and Protective Factors for Depressive Symptoms and Disordered Eating in Adolescence: A 4-year Longitudinal Study
Career-related goal pursuit among post-high school youth: Relations between personal control beliefs and control strivings
Establishing a Professional Profile of Community Health Workers: Results from a National Study of Roles, Activities and Training
Comparing Cognitive Interviewing and Psychometric Methods to Evaluate a Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Scale
The moderating effect of Machiavellianism on the relationships between bullying, peer acceptance, and school adjustment in adolescents
Appendix. A Selection of Measures of Illness Severity in Children with Psychopathology from "Symptom-Specific Rating Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinical Practice" by Matthew E. Hirschtritt and Denise Bedoya
Diagnosis of ADHD in Adults: What Is the Appropriate DSM-5 Symptom Threshold for Hyperactivity-Impulsivity?
Parents’ anxieties about the risk of HIV/Aids for their Deaf and hard of hearing adolescents in South Africa: A qualitative study
Using Implicit Associations Towards Fruit Consumption to Understand Fruit Consumption Behaviour and Habit Strength Relationships
Autobiographical Memory in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Role of Depressed Mood, Rumination, Working Memory and Theory of Mind
Feasibility of exposure response prevention to treat repetitive behaviors of children with autism and an intellectual disability: a brief report
The internal responsiveness of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 to detect differences in clinical parameters related to surgical third molar removal
Ten-year quality of life outcomes among patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder II. Predictive value of psychosocial factors
Prolonged and persistent homelessness: multivariable analyses in a cohort experiencing current homelessness and mental illness in Vancouver, British Columbia
Jokes and routines make everyday life a good life—on ‘doing family’ for young people in foster care in SwedenSkämt och rutiner gör vardagen till en bra dag—Om familjeskapande för fosterhemsplacerade ungdomar i Sverige
Parenting Stress and Perceived Family Functioning of Chinese Parents in Hong Kong: Implications for Social Work Practice
Examining the Relationship between Domestic Violence and Depression among Koreans: The Role of Self-esteem and Social Support as Mediators
The evaluation of complex interventions in palliative care: An exploration of the potential of case study research strategies
Learning Behaviors Scale and Canadian Youths: Factorial Validity Generalization and Comparisons to the U.S. Standardization Sample
Profiling a Profession: A Victorian Survey Assessing Lay Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Counselling Psychologists
Auditory Hallucinations: A Comparison of Beliefs about Voices in Individuals with Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder
Typology of schizophrenic symptoms and quality of life in patients and their main caregivers in northern Chile
Empowering caregivers : Impact analysis of FamilyLink Education Programme (FLEP) in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Bangkok