New York is the second state to pass a law ensuring big polluters will play for climate damages. Vermont passed a similar law over the summer—a year after a federal emergency was declared across the state after a storm dumped two months’ worth of rain in just two days, causing historic and devastating flooding. Jamie Henn, director of Fossil Free Media, said the Climate Change Superfund Act “kicks open the door for more states to follow.”
Archive for December 2024
‘Major Victory’: New Law Makes NY Second State to Hold Big Polluters Accountable
Do the norms of tolerance for child physical abuse modify the intergenerational transmission of physical abuse?
Virtue-Based vs. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Patients With Chronic Medical Disease
Professional Self-Care in Social Work Practice: A New Conceptual Framework
CfP: Personality and temporality. Philip Zimbardo (1933-2024) in memoriam (Due by 30 June)
The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing healthcare for people with disabilities
Indigenous Peoples Survey: First Nations children living off reserve, Métis children and Inuit children and their families, 2022
Navigating Cumulative Disadvantages of Migration, Care, and Employment Regimes: Dependent Immigrants in Canada
The feasibility of utilizing the open dynamic interaction network (ODIN) app to assess rEMA data across 30 days among those recovering from alcohol use disorders
The Issues With Health Insurance Companies, Explained by Doctors
Misplaced Trust: Stolen Indigenous land is the foundation of the land-grant university system. Climate change is its legacy.
Over the past year, Grist has examined publicly available data to locate trust lands associated with land-grant universities seeded by the Morrill Act. We found 14 universities that matched this criteria. In the process, we identified their original sources and analyzed their ongoing uses. In all, we located and mapped more than 8.36 million surface and subsurface acres taken from 123 Indigenous nations. This land currently produces income for those institutions.
Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 2003–2023
Concerns over CPS overreporting spark calls for change
L’Herrou said agencies such as the Virginia Department of Social Services are now classifying some situations as “Poverty Adjacent Neglect,” acknowledging that families often lack the resources they need. She advocated for solutions that address these root causes, including raising the minimum wage, strengthening programs such as SNAP and TANF, and expanding access to affordable child care.
The association between maternal social information processing and preschool children social and learning problems via maternal insightfulness and children’s social information processing
Understanding the awarding gap through the lived experiences of minority ethnic students: An intersectional approach
Nearly All U.S. Counties Had More Homeowners Than Renters Between 2019 and 2023
Life Course Associations of Sibling Relationships and Cognitive Functioning in Late Adulthood
Financial Incentives for Improving Maternal Health: A Review of Ethical Considerations
More doctors, better health? Consolidating evidence from Brazil’s Mais Médicos program
Understanding the cultural determinants of health: A scoping review
Bion and Thoughts Too Deep for Words: Psychoanalysis, Suggestion, and the Language of the Unconscious
The effects of image resolution and exposure duration on facial beauty and ugliness evaluations
Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science
Using social research and development methods in artist-mediated workshops with Myanmar refugee women to design a culturally responsive community resettlement center
Skills training collaboration with social work and cinematic art educators to develop innovative practices among those impacted by PTSD
The role of individual and environmental socio-economic resources for cognitive change in very old age
Overview of rural credit environment in China: Measurement logic, evaluation system, and case analysis
Online stalking of Instagram influencers.
2024 Sax Colloquium & Forum – New Horizons in Implementation Science
Partnering With Youth and Families: A Best Practices Guide for Youth Justice Stakeholders
I have lost everything
A record number of Americans are living outside. Cities have responded by removing encampments from public spaces, a practice commonly referred to as “sweeps.” In the process, workers often take people’s belongings — including important documents, survival gear and irreplaceable mementos. Over and over, people across the country told ProPublica they were devastated by such losses. We gave them notecards so they could explain in their own words how the sweeps have affected them.
Strategies for Cultivating Organizational Legitimacy among Core-Stigmatized Service Providers: The Case of Syringe Service Programs
Special Report: Precise, Personalized, and Preventive Psychiatry
“We have to look deeper into why”: perspectives on problem identification and prioritization of women’s and girls’ health across United Nations agencies
Intergenerational transmission of physical abuse, probability of conviction, and laws against abuse in Tunisia
Dynamic influence of mood on subjective cognitive complaints in mild cognitive impairment: A time series network analysis approach
Edge Hill plays key role in securing large social work grant to support deprived coastal communities
Dr Ciarán Murphy and fellow researchers from Buckinghamshire New University, Bath Spa University and The Open University were granted the funding award – one of the most significant for social work research nationally and the largest Edge Hill’s social work department has ever received – by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
Gambling outlets as agents of local area disorganization: Crime and local institutions, the case of the UK
Community, Connection, and the Essential Role of Music Therapy
Capacity and incapacity: An appropriate border for non-consensual interventions?
Perception and attitudes about military social work in Türkiye
Inflation, Fiscal Policy, and Inequality: The Impact of the Post‐Pandemic Price Surge and Fiscal Measures on European Households
Individual and interpersonal factors influencing child marriage: A qualitative content analysis study
Chronic physical health conditions and the mental health and wellbeing of First Nations people [Australia]
DRAWS: A documentation model for use in art therapy training and practice
Treasury must focus on prevention in UK public spending, says report
The Treasury needs to rethink public spending to focus on prevention of the UK’s health, crime and homelessness problems after cuts of up to 78% under the Tories, a report from Demos and the Health Foundation has found.