Archive for November 2024
When competitive rewards create obsessions with bottom‐line outcomes: A social interdependence theory perspective of the mediating role of bottom‐line mentality
Verification of five‐factor models and reference scores for personality dysfunction and trait domains of the Personality Assessment Questionnaire for ICD‐11 (PAQ‐11), revised version
Head Start Teachers’ Well-Being and Program Supports for Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
Factors Associated With Not Receiving Mental Health Services Among Children With A Mental Disorder in Early Childhood in the United States, 2021–2022
To What Extent Are College Students’ Delay Discounting and Systematic Responding Rates Related to Time of Semester?
Assessing the Feasibility of Integrating the Lethality Assessment Program into the Los Angeles Domestic Abuse Response Team
DECYP Interprofessional – Back on Track Social Workers
Best practices for studies using digital data donation
Lost jobs, new jobs and optimal tax-transfer reforms
An Introduction and Practical Guide to Community Engagement and Involvement in Global Health Research
Fostering psychological safety in research environments
The importance of being present. a two-part model approach to assess the impact of synchronous online learning on the academic success of university students
IAM2024 | Seeds of Change
Islamophobia Awareness month is an opportunity to learn about the impact of Islamophobia across the globe. It is an opportunity to highlight how we can stand in solidarity with those who suffer intolerance, discrimination and violence primarily because they are Muslims, and challenge stereotypes and prejudices.
(Not) Going Out and Barriers to Leaving the House for People With Intellectual Disabilities Through the COVID‐19 Pandemic in the UK
Measuring Human Trafficking Prevalence in Construction: A Field Test of Multiple Estimation Methods, Final Report
Measurement invariance of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale and associations with genetic risk in older adults
“A Woman, With No Evidence, Can Send Any Man to Jail Whenever She Wants”: Men’s Rights Activists’ Digital Narratives of a Culture of False Rape Allegations
Exhaustion at work can lead to difficulty controlling emotions, scientists say
If a hard day in the office leaves you crabby and uncooperative, you may have an excuse: scientists say exercising self-restraint can exhaust parts of the brain related to decision-making and impulse control, leaving you less able to manage your behaviour towards others. The researchers say their results tie into the theory of “ego depletion” – a controversial idea in psychology that willpower is a limited resource that gets used up by effort.
Exploring paternal postpartum depression and contributing factors in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
National Variation in Black Immigrant Preterm Births and the Role of County-Level Social Factors
‘You are too much in this modern world, that’s why you are like this’: Understanding perceptions of mental health among Somali women in London
How can universities protect freedom of speech?
Supporters and critics of the postponed Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act (HEFSA) argue the pros and cons of the legislation at a panel event at City St George’s.
German Parents and Educators of Two to Four-Year-Old Children as Informants for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
UK | HIV testing, PrEP, new HIV diagnoses and care outcomes for people accessing HIV services: 2024 report
Self‐harm, suicidal ideation, depression and peer relationships in transgender and gender diverse adolescents accessing specialist mental health services
Spanish Validation of the Brief Pornography Screen Within a Clinical Sample of Individuals with Gambling Disorder
Exploring Genetic Counselors’ Experiences with Indigenous Patient Populations
Strengths-Based Models of Resilience in Tertiary Education Students
Trends in Privacy of Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Before and After the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule
NIH: Simplifying Review of Research Project Grant Applications
Social Work Faculty at the CSWE Conference
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare faculty presented at the Council for Social Work Education’s (CSWE) annual program meeting in Kansas City…. Social Work Assistant Professor Angela Matijczak and collaborators presented, Conducting a Photovoice Study with LGBTQIA+ Latine Adults: Methods and Lessons Learned.
Which character strengths may build organizational well-being? Insights from an international sample of workers
Fostering self‐directed learning in blended learning environments: A constructivist perspective in Higher Education
Systematic scoping review of ageing in place strategies in Japan, Singapore and Thailand: A comparative analysis
What works to prevent child marriage? What the evidence tells us
New medical AI tool identifies more cases of long COVID from patient health records
Their new approach was more accurate than tools that look only at diagnostic codes, and found that 22.8 percent of the population experience symptoms of long COVID, a greater figure than previous estimates that may be less biased and more representative of national trends, according to the study’s authors.