An investigation of the associations between trauma exposure, racial stereotypes, and racist beliefs.
The Relation Between Perceived Racial Discrimination and Civic Engagement Among People of Asian Descent
Socioeconomic inequalities in utilizing maternal health care in five South Asian countries: A decomposition analysis
Development and validation of the Acquiring and Saving Motives Questionnaires: For use in clinical and nonclinical populations.
Indirect effect of negative evaluations of therapy on the association between racial stress and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in pregnant Black persons.
The use of cost-effectiveness analysis for health benefit package design – should countries follow a sectoral, incremental or hybrid approach?
Assessing the Distance Teaching-Learning Experience in Higher Technical-Vocational Education in Chile
Sleep-Related Predictors of Risk for Alcohol Use and Related Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults Topic Series: Alcohol and Cannabinoids
Popery, Politics, and Prejudice: Anti-Catholic Sentiment during Australia’s Great War Conscription Debates
Associations between humiliation, shame, self-harm and suicidality among adolescents and young adults: A systematic review
Understanding How Racism and Affect Impact Public Opinions toward Affordable Housing in the United States
Income Share Agreements to Finance Short-Term Career Training: Preliminary Findings from the Career Impact Bond Study
The association between online class-related enjoyment and academic achievement of college students: a multi-chain mediating model
Racial/ethnic differences in receipt of naloxone distributed by opioid overdose prevention programs in New York City
Once a job crafter, always a job crafter? Investigating job crafting in organizations as a reciprocal self-concordant process across time
Risk of fractures in half a million survivors of 20 cancers: a population-based matched cohort study using linked English electronic health records
Embodiment of discrimination: a cross-sectional study of threats, humiliating treatment and ethnic discrimination in relation to somatic health complaints among Sami in Sweden
Exploring Palliative Care Needs Among Patients With Cancer and Non-Cancer Serious Chronic Diseases: A Comparison Study
Provision of HIV testing services and its impact on the HIV positivity rate in the public health sector in KwaZulu-Natal: a ten-year review
The SAFE procedure: a practical stopping heuristic for active learning-based screening in systematic reviews and meta-analyses