Policy Complexities in Financing First Episode Psychosis Services: Implementation Realities from a Home Rule State
How often does homelessness precede criminal arrest in veterans? Results from the U.S. survey of prison inmates.
HIV and Hepatitis C Among People Who Inject Drugs in Memphis, Tennessee: an Intersectional Risk Environment Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health
“Cancer’s a demon”: a qualitative study of fear and multilevel factors contributing to cancer treatment delays
From simple to even simpler, but not too simple: a head-to-head comparison of the Better-Worse and Drop-Down methods for measuring patient health status
“… Inside of my home, I was getting a full dose of culture”: Exploring the ecology of Indigenous peoples’ development through stories.
Exploring the Impact of External Facilitation Using Evidence-Based Implementation Strategies for Increasing Motivational Interviewing Capacity Among Outpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Providers
Socio-Demographic and Disability Disparities in Stroke by Citizenship Status: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Attitudes toward methadone treatment among Black/African Americans: Implications for engagement and retention.
A head-to-head comparison of the measurement properties of EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L in Chinese family caregivers of cancer patients
The fertility care gap in the Global South: lessons from The Gambia, West Africa, and ways forward to establish fertility care for all
Using digital platforms to promote a healthcare provider community of practice for abortion care in Uganda
Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR): Evaluation of an Online Tool for Screening Reading Skills in a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic
“I wasn’t sure it would work. I was just trying”: an ethnographic study on the choice of abortion methods among young women in Kilifi County, Kenya, and Atlantique Department, Benin
Global perspectives of determinants influencing HPV vaccine introduction and scale-up in low- and middle-income countries
The effect of orlistat in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver in adolescents with overweight and obese
A Comparison Between Before and During the Pandemic in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder
A Randomized Clinical Trial Targeting Daily Living Skills in Autistic Adolescents Without an Intellectual Disability Before the Transition to Adulthood
The challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent amongst research participants in northern Thailand: a qualitative study
Drawing the Line Between Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 and Functional Neurologic Disorders: A Daunting Clinical Overlap or Irrelevant Conundrum?
Public awareness of advance care planning and hospice palliative care: a nationwide cross-sectional study in Korea
Father Involvement and Psychological Adjustment in Pakistani Adolescents: Family Environment as a Mediator
“Where am I going to go Tonight? Where am I literally going to go?”: Exploring the Dynamics of Domestic Violence and Family Homelessness
Distribution and frequency of clinical criteria and rating scales for diagnosis and assessment of catatonia in different study types
Women on the move for science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Gender selectivity in higher education student migration
Social integration in the activity peer group in sport and non‐sport organized activities: Links with depressive symptoms in adolescence
Towards system redesign: An exploratory analysis of neurodivergent traits in a childhood population referred for autism assessment
Trajectories of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness during the COVID-19 pandemic: A person-oriented multi-trajectory approach
The Melbourne Study of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy III: Patients’ and psychotherapists’ perspectives on progress and challenges
Communicating with LGBTQ+ persons at end of life: A case‐based analysis of interdisciplinary palliative clinician perspectives
Cannabis for Healing in a Native Community Clinic: Development and Results from an Informatics Research Tool