Memory support training and lifestyle modifications to promote healthy aging in persons at risk for Alzheimer’s disease: a digital application supported intervention (Brain Boosters)
Peaks and gaps in eco-social policy and sustainable welfare: A systematic literature map of the research landscape
States and Localities Can Use Guaranteed Income to Support People Experiencing Homelessness or Housing Instability While Promoting Dignity and Racial Equity
Early Adolescent Online Sexual Risks on Smartphones and Social Media: Parental Awareness and Protective Practices
The Loneliness Project: Young women and gender-diverse youth’s experiences of loneliness in transitions out of homelessness
Collaborative depression care sensitive to the needs of underserved patients with cancer: Feasibility, acceptability and outcomes
How Do Child Welfare Social Workers Assess the Leadership of Their First-line Managers? A 15-Year Perspective
Examination of Acceptability, Feasibility, and Iatrogenic Effects of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) of Suicidal Ideation
The Problems with Troubled Families: Rethinking the Analysis Behind the 120,000 Troubled Families Statistic
From Poverty to Well-Being and Human Flourishing (Volume 1): Integrated Conceptualisation and Measurement of Economic Poverty
Welfare-state selectivity, universality, and social trust in Europe, 2002–2019: Bringing deservingness back in
Why do college students engage in in-class media multitasking behaviours? A social learning perspective
A randomized controlled trial of the impact of support visits on self‐isolation compliance: The Havering winter/spring support trial
The views of psychiatrists on proposed changes to the England and Wales Mental Health Act 1983 legislation for people with intellectual disability: A national study
Physical activity interventions to improve mental health and wellbeing in university students in the UK: A service mapping study
When connecting with LGBTQ+ communities helps and why it does: A meta-analysis of the relationship between connectedness and health-related outcomes.
Why robot embodiment matters: questions of disability, race and intersectionality in the design of social robots