Individuals with a migratory background can offer valuable insight to improve the treatment and prevention of gambling harms
Enhancing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adolescents Living With HIV Through Group-Based Therapeutic Approaches in Uganda: Findings From a Pilot Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Self-managed medication abortion trajectories: results from a prospective observational study in Argentina, Nigeria and Southeast Asia
Association between healthy lifestyle factors and health-related quality of life among Chinese adolescents: the moderating role of gender
Research ReportsUnderstanding the Relationship Between the Multidimensional Perfectionism and Self-Compassion in Adults: The Effect of Age
Is it time for the use of pair-matching in all randomized controlled trials of crime and violence prevention? A review of the research
Profiles of climate change distress and climate denialism during adolescence: A two-cohort longitudinal study
The COVID-19 Impact on Employment for LGBT Individuals With Disabilities: An Examination of the 2021 Household Pulse Survey
Insurance Coverage During Transitions: Evidence from Medicaid Automatic Enrollment for Children Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Not all pro-environmental initiatives can increase pro-environmental behavior: An empirical examination of employees’ pro-environmental attributions
Experiences of a nature-based intervention program in a northern natural setting: A longitudinal case study of two women with stress-related illness
Child social-emotional and behavioral problems and competencies contribute to changes in developmental functioning during Early Intervention
Understanding the link between social relationships and adolescent Internet addiction: Perspectives from two approaches to well-being
Investigating psychosocial and behavioural mediators of the relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in women from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods
What role do social-ecological factors play in ecological grief?: Insights from a global scoping review
Exploring Mental Health Professionals’ Perceptions of Physical Activity Provision for Mental Health Service Users
The Need for a Prevention Program for Child Sexual Abuse in Brazil: A Report of Shortfall Care to Pedophilia and its Critical Consequences
A longitudinal examination of the role of social identity in supporting health and well-being in retirement.