Improving connections to early childhood systems of care via a universal home visiting program in Massachusetts
Assessing knowledge of end-stage kidney disease and treatment options in hospitalized African American patients undergoing hemodialysis
Beck Hopelessness Scale-20: Dimensionality and Nomological Validity Among Colombian School-Age Adolescents
Assessing prospective and retrospective metacognitive accuracy following traumatic brain injury remotely across cognitive domains
Acute care related to cannabis use during pregnancy after the legalization of nonmedical cannabis in Ontario [Research]
The case for citizen science in public health policy and practice: a mixed methods study of policymaker and practitioner perspectives and experiences
The good, the bad, and the less than ideal in clinical supervision: a qualitative meta-analysis of supervisee experiences
Health professionals’ experiences of rapport during telehealth encounters in community palliative care: An interpretive description study
Impairment in personality functioning throughout adolescence and co-development with personality traits, emotion regulation strategies, and psychopathology
SMART recovery for youth: a small, exploratory qualitative study examining the potential of a mutual-aid, peer support addictive behaviour change program for young people
‘It is easier to not allow them to see your disability straight away, to see you as a person’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of video gaming from the perspectives of men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
The relationship between cannabis use, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder: a genetically informed study
Child and adolescent mental health services in a devolved healthcare system: a qualitative exploration of sustainable practices
Evaluating HIV policy: a gender analysis of the representation of women and men in UNAIDS HIV-prevention guidelines
Trust and the educational gap in the demand for redistribution: Evidence from the World Values Survey and the European Value Study
Networks of pandemic-specific stressors, risk factors, and clinical symptoms: A comparison between women and men during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
The use of monitoring data and community feedback mechanisms to increase HIV testing among men during a cluster-randomised community mobilisation trial in South Africa
Exploring HIV/AIDS investigator perceptions of equity within research partnerships between low-and middle-income and high-income countries: a pilot survey
The Often-unheard Perspective of a Carer Navigating Neoliberalism under the Provisions of the 2014 Care Act
Reversals in past long-term trends in educational inequalities in life expectancy for selected European countries
Effects of Multidimensional Social Exclusion on Child Well-Being: An Examination of Migration Paradox in Chinese Children
Changes in affective and cognitive distortion symptoms of depression are reciprocally related during cognitive behavior therapy
Decentralised international development aid from municipalities: Exploring its added value, challenges and implications for international social work
An Empirical Comparison of a Traditional Strategy and Network Scale-Up Method for Prevalence Estimation of Child Trafficking in Sierra Leone
The relationship among personal achievement motives, school relational goal structures and learning outcomes: a multilevel analysis with PISA 2018 data
‘You have a little human being kicking inside you and an unbearable pain of knowing there will be a void at the end’: A meta-ethnography exploring the experience of parents whose baby is diagnosed antenatally with a life limiting or life-threatening condition
Physical Activity and Fundamental Motor Skill Outcome: A Quasi-Experimental Study Among Rural Pre-schoolers in Kuching, Sarawak
The efficacy of integrated hepatitis C virus treatment in relieving fatigue in people who inject drugs: a randomized controlled trial