Mental Health Among People Presenting for Care of Physical Symptoms: The Factors Associated with Suicidality and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety are Similar Across Specialties
Long-term trajectories of suicide ideation and its socioeconomic predictors: A longitudinal 8-year follow-up study
Internet-Delivered Sexually Transmitted Infection and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program: A Randomized Trial
Actor-partner effects of sexual minority stress on relationship quality in female same-gender couples.
“They Would Lift My Spirits”: Sources of Support for Family Surrogate Decision-Makers at the End of Life
Relationship support and strain among sexual minority women: Changes across cohorts from 1995 to 2013.
The riddle of deliberate self‐harm: Physiological and subjective effects of self‐cutting cues in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
Feasibility of linking violent death decedents to prior-month emergency department visits in North Carolina, 2019-2020
Tiered Decision Guidelines for Social, Behavioral, and Academic Behavior: Guidance for Establishing Data-Based Teams Across the Tiers
The development of a self-management evaluation scale for elderly adults with hypertension based on the capability, opportunity, and motivation-behaviour (COM-B) model
Post-suburban arrival spaces and the frame of ‘welfare offloading’: notes from an Italian suburban neighborhood
A desirable future or unaffordable hope? Queer people becoming parents through assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Guangdong, China
The impact of income-support interventions on life course risk factors and health outcomes during childhood: a systematic review in high income countries
Developmental trajectories of Korean and heritage language proficiencies and their association with maladjustment among Korean multicultural adolescents
Usability and social consequences of the early identification system as a universal screener for social, emotional, and behavioral risks.
Real-life instability in ADHD from young to middle adulthood: a nationwide register-based study of social and occupational problems
Known‐groups and convergent validity of the theory of mind task battery in children with autism spectrum disorder
CRAFFT [a health screening tool designed to identify substance use, substance-related riding/driving risk, and substance use disorder among youth ages 12-21]
“If I Unfollow Them, It’s Not a Dig at Them”: A Narrative Analysis of Instagram Use in Eating Disorder Recovery
Screening women’s history in the film Suffragette (2015): between intersectional feminist activism and historical memory
Younger Than Ever? Subjective Age Is Becoming Younger and Remains More Stable in Middle-Age and Older Adults Today
Mental Health Nurses’ attitudes towards mental illness and recovery‐oriented practice in acute inpatient psychiatric units: A non‐participant observation study
Two years of ethics reflection groups about coercion in psychiatry. Measuring variation within employees’ normative attitudes, user involvement and the handling of disagreement
Perceptions of Oneself and One’s Spouse Following a Stressor Discussion Predicting Attachment Insecurity Over One Year
‘It should be more outspoken and not hushed away, not like put in a dark box’: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of experiences of menopause voiced by women with learning disabilities
Effects of health-related quality of life and long-term care insurance infrastructure on suicidal ideation among older Korean adults
Academic entrepreneurial engagement with weak institutional support: roles of motivation, intention and perceptions
The influence of subjective socioeconomic status on executive functions in middle-aged and older adults
Identifying subtle functional change in individuals with mild cognitive impairment: development and validation of the Healthy Brain Ageing – Functional Assessment Questionnaire