Social Work Interventions with Children under 5 in Scotland: Over a Quarter Referred and One in Seventeen Investigated with Wide Variations between Local Authorities
Probing the association between maternal anxious attachment style and mother-child brain-to-brain coupling during passive co-viewing of visual stimuli
The effects of type III traumatic stressors of the protracted conflict and prolonged COVID-19 on Syrians internally displaced: A validation study of type III continuous traumatic stressors and their impact.
The effects of sociodemographic factors on help-seeking for depression: Based on the 2017–2020 Korean Community Health Survey
Co-morbid mental health conditions in people with epilepsy and association with quality of life in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The medium and the message: Comparing the effectiveness of six methods of misinformation delivery in an eyewitness memory paradigm.
Investigating How Parental Support Varies Across Racially Diverse Mothers and Fathers in Relation to Emerging Adults’ Multiracial Experiences and Psychological Distress
Experience-based design: Empowering individuals while they wait for interprofessional chronic pain care
HIV Diagnoses Through Partner Services in the United States in 2019 and Opportunities for Improvement
Cost of inpatient falls and cost-benefit analysis of implementation of an evidence-based fall prevention program
Nothing to show for it: Financial Distress and Re-Enrollment Aspirations for those with non-degreed debt
What is known about mental-wellness challenges facing Canadians and mental health system-transformation initiatives?
Latent profiles of biological dysregulation and risk of mortality: time-to-event analysis using the Midlife in the US longitudinal study
Promoting Professional Practice Standards through Consultation Training: Opportunities from a University-School District Partnership
Psychiatric emergencies among urban youth during COVID-19: Volume and acuity in a multi-channel program for the publicly insured
Trajectories of depression for Latino immigrant adolescents: The influence of individual, family, and sociocultural factors.
Behaving versus thinking positively: When the benefits of cognitive reappraisal are contingent on satisfying basic psychological needs
When Prosecution Is Declined: Factors Influencing Prosecutorial Portrayal of Officers Involved in Shootings
“Housing is such a major part of someone’s life”: mental health social work practice in the context of a housing affordability crisis
Reflections on Consultation: Applying a DisCrit and Equitable Implementation Lens to Help School Psychologists Disrupt Disparities
Progressive or pressuring? The signaling effects of egg freezing coverage and other work–life policies.