Social behavior practices for child protection and well‐being among low‐income urban households in Bangladesh
Navigating feminist and biomedical conceptual frameworks in educational interventions for eating disorders: Spanish educators’ understandings of the causes and treatment of eating disorders
Contextualizing Potential Factors Impacting on Behaviors of Primary School Adolescents in Northern Uganda
Assessing the effectiveness of a comprehensive menstrual health education program for preadolescent girls with intellectual disability and high support needs in Japan
Grief reaction, depression, anxiety, and coping of relatives after palliative patients’ death in Thailand
Evaluation of a Telehealth Parent-Training Program in Japan: Collaboration with Parents to Teach Novel Mand Skills to Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Family factors associated with physical activity in children with intellectual disability: A systematic review
Very early medical abortion: treatment with mifepristone and misoprostol before ultrasonographic visualisation of an intrauterine pregnancy
The mediating role of state anger in the associations between intentions to participate in the criminal trial and psychopathology in traumatically bereaved people
Pivoting to online: The benefits, challenges and possibilities for international programme evaluations
Why is impact measurement abandoned in practice? Evidence use in evaluation and contracting for five European Social Impact Bonds
Mastering the impossible: Piloting an easier-than-expected magic intervention that acts as a source of self-efficacy.
Challenges and opportunities in providing dementia care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in rural and remote areas
The impact of Sri lanka’s school-based management programme on teachers’ pedagogical practices and student learning: evidence from a randomised controlled trial
Working in a gray area—Healthcare staff experiences of receiving consent when caring for persons with dementia
Stuck in the middle school rut: can anything improve academic achievement in rural Chinese middle schools?
Conceptualizing access to community-based supports from the perspectives of people living with young onset dementia, family members and providers
“Development and application of the International Classification of Cognitive Disorders in Epilepsy (IC-CoDE): Initial results from a multi-center study of adults with temporal lobe epilepsy”: Correction.
Providing academic opportunities to vulnerable adolescents: a randomised evaluation of privately managed tuition-free middle schools in Uruguay
Where to from Here? Contemplating the Impact of COVID-19 on South African Students and Student Counseling Services in Higher Education
Book Review: The end of social work: A defense of the social worker in times of transformatin by Steve Burghardt
Choosing task characteristics oneself justifies effort: A study on cardiac response and the critical role of task difficulty.
General Health and Depression Outcomes Related to Cumulative Indicators of Unmet Social Determinant of Health Needs for College Students