Archive for September 2022
Subjective impairments in olfaction and cognition predict dissociated behavioural outcomes
A Dyadic Examination of Interpersonal Electronic Surveillance
The pains and gains of reception centres: How length of stay in reception centres is associated with Syrian refugees’ mental health during early resettlement
Association of Daily Step Count and Intensity With Incident Dementia in 78 430 Adults Living in the UK
Empathy in action research
Towards school-based mental health programs in Nigeria: the immediate impact of a depression-literacy program among school-going adolescents and their teachers
Diversity in sex and relationship education – limitations and possibilities in Swedish biology textbooks
Austerity Policies and the Strategic Silencing of Their Gendered Effects: Evidence from Spain
Conceptualizing the therapeutic relationship: Mediator or moderator of change?
Worldwide physical activity trends since COVID-19 onset
Neither Employee nor Contractor: A Case Study of Employment Relations between Riders and Platform-Based Food-Delivery Firms in Taiwan
Peer victimization, environmental and psychological distress, and academic performance among children in China: A serial mediation model moderated by migrant status
Intersections of caste, class, and gender in healthcare sanitation work in India: Social work imperatives for restructuring marginalized women’s care work
Operational challenges in the pre-intervention phase of a mental health trial in rural India: reflections from SMART Mental Health
Bystanders of ethnic victimization: Do classroom context and teachers’ approach matter for how adolescents intend to act?
Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS)
Global Gender Gap Report 2022
Developmental psychologists should adopt citizen science to improve generalization and reproducibility
WHO guideline on self-care interventions for health and well-being, 2022 revision
“Constantly Working on My Attitude Towards Statistics!” Education Doctoral Students’ Experiences with and Motivations for Learning Statistics
Relationship between working conditions and psychological distress experienced by junior doctors in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey study
Effective Maps, Easily Done: Visualizing Geo-Psychological Differences Using Distance Weights
Online Transdiagnostic Intervention for Emotional Disorders and Stress-related Disorders
Should we delete our period tracking apps?
Include or not to include conference abstracts in systematic reviews? Lessons learned from a large Cochrane network meta-analysis including 585 trials
Equality: Our Final Frontier