Changes in social activities and the occurrence and persistence of depressive symptoms: Do type and combination of social activities make a difference?
Psychosocial Effects of Remote Reading with Telephone Support versus In-Person Health Education for Diverse, Older Adults
Healthcare-related correlates of preoperative psychological distress among a mixed surgical and cancer-specific sample
Generational and Social Forces in the Life Events and Experiences of Lesbian and Gay Midlife and Older Adults Across the Iridescent Life Course
Can a school climate survey accurately and equitably measure school quality? Examining the multilevel structure and invariance of the Georgia School Climate Scale
Inhibitory Learning-Based Exposure Therapy for Patients With Pathological Health Anxiety: Results From a Single Case Series Study
Concomitant medication use in children with autism spectrum disorder: Data from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials
Insistence on sameness for food space appropriation: An exploratory study on Brazilians with autism (self-)diagnosis in adulthood
Moderators of treatment effect of Prompt Mental Health Care compared to treatment as usual: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Credit hours is not enough: Explaining undergraduate perceptions of course workload using LMS records
A systematic review of relational-based therapies for the treatment of auditory hallucinations in patients with psychotic disorders
Student characteristics and substance use as predictors of self-reported HIV testing: the youth risk behavior survey (YRBS) 2013–2015
How Accurate and Consistent Are Score-Based Assessment Decisions? A Procedure Using the Linear Factor Model
Stakeholder perspectives of a pilot multicomponent delirium prevention intervention for adult patients with advanced cancer in palliative care units: A behaviour change theory-based qualitative study
Low condom use at the last sexual intercourse among university students in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
Is Infidelity Contagious? Online Exposure to Norms of Adultery and Its Effect on Expressions of Desire for Current and Alternative Partners
Sooner is Better: Longitudinal Relations Between Delay Discounting, and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms among Vietnamese Adolescents
Cannabis use and effect of cannabis abstinence on cognitive functioning in young people — an observational case-control follow-up study from rehabilitation centre in Andhra Pradesh
Understanding Reasons for and Strategic Responses to Administrative Health Data Misreporting in an Indian State
Exploration of the Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm for Cheating Detection in Large-Scale Assessment
Social relationships and their associations with affective symptoms of women with breast cancer: A scoping review
Optimising a multi-strategy implementation intervention to improve the delivery of a school physical activity policy at scale: findings from a randomised noninferiority trial
Palliative Care in Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia: Evaluation of the Answers Given by Caregivers and Physicians to the Accuracy of Surprise Question, as a Prognostic Tool
Polypharmacy and Health-Related Quality of Life/Psychological Distress Among Patients With Chronic Disease
Statistical framework for measuring the gender-related killings of women and girls (also referred to as “femicide/feminicide”)