Archive for September 2022
Effectiveness and implementation outcomes for peer-delivered mental health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a mixed-methods systematic review
Longitudinal associations between the neighborhood social, natural, and built environment and mental health: A systematic review with meta-analyses
Reflecting on a crisis

988, Suicide Prevention, and Community-Based Crisis Services
CSR Initiatives to Address Bias in Peer Review: Discussion at an NIBIB Advisory Council Meeting
A Serious Response to Youth Mental Health and Substance Use
Regulatory fit intensifies moral predispositions.
Blueprint for a better future: paving the way for youth justice reform in Western Australia
Centering equity and lived experience: implementing a community-based research grant on cannabis and mental health
A Systematic Review of Black People Coping With Racism: Approaches, Analysis, and Empowerment
Victims need more than power: Empowerment and moral change independently predict victims’ satisfaction and willingness to reconcile.
Parenting while undocumented: An intersectional socialization approach
Introduction to the Special Issue “20 years of the Pathways Model: understanding disordered gambling and other behavioural addictions”
How can school help victims of violence? Evaluation of online training for European schools’ staff from a multidisciplinary approach
Narrative therapy approaches to team away days: Creating communities
Effects of Automated Diurnal Variation in Electronic Screen Temperature on Sleep Quality in Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Becoming a person: How long-distance walking can lead to personal growth – A cultural and health-related approach
Media portrayals of transitions from work to retirement in two ageing societies: the case of ageing baby boomers in Japan and Finland
Inequity in Work Placement Year opportunities and graduate employment outcomes: a data analytics approach
Adolescent social anxiety undermines adolescent-parent interbrain synchrony during emotional processing: A hyperscanning study
HIV prevalence and continuum of care among incarcerated people in Iran from 2010 to 2017
Socio-economic status and living situation of care leavers in Austria
Building capacity and capability for improvement in adult social care
Exploring subject positions in Greek migrants’ discourse on mobility decisions
Understanding the lived experiences of family caregivers of individuals with dementia in Soweto, a South African Township
Social determinants of psychological distress in Sierra Leone
Mental health, risk and resilience among refugee families in Europe
Child, adolescent, and caregiver mental health difficulties and associated risk factors early in the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa
Labour Force Survey annual tables 2021
Community-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic: case study of a home isolation centre using flexible surge capacity
Advancing Workers’ Rights in the Gig Economy through Discursive Power: The Communicative Strategies of Indie Unions
The experience of bullying among adolescents receiving mental health care: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Digital prevention of depression for farmers? A qualitative study on participants’ experiences regarding determinants of acceptance and satisfaction with a tailored guided internet intervention program
The War on Rats | Plague at the Golden Gate
The Black Death | 6. how the pandemic transformed societies

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, comorbid psychopathology, behaviour problems and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Living Green while Locking Down? Bruno Latour on COVID‐19 Lockdowns in the Midst of the Climate Crisis
Changing What Teachers Say Changes What They Do: Increasing Their Specific Praise of Student Behavior
Savings and self-control: the effect of labelling
Vaping regulation in 2022: identifying gaps in the regulation of e-cigarettes
Change destiny: constructing unexpected career opportunities to improve work ability and reduce depression due to work–family conflicts
A Case Study on Outpatient Based Supported Employment for a Person with Schizophrenia
The Winding Road to the Welfare State: Economic insecurity and social welfare policy in Britain