Olfaction in (Social) Context: The Role of Social Complexity in Trajectories of Older Adults’ Olfactory Abilities
Data privacy protection in scientific publications: process implementation at a pharmaceutical company
Contingent interaction with a television character promotes children’s science learning and engagement
Factors that Contribute to Bereaved Parents’ Perceptions of Neonatal Palliative Care: A Systematic Literature Review
Behaviour change techniques in cardiovascular disease smartphone apps to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Systematic review and meta-regression
Domestic Violence From a Child Perspective: Impact of an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience on Men With a History of Intimate Partner Violent Behavior
Associations of food insecurity and material social support with parent and child mental health during COVID-19
Decolonizing children’s agency: Perspectives of children in an Urdu-speaking Bihari camp in Bangladesh
Housing and Income Inequality in Europe: Distributional Effects of Non‐Cash Income From Imputed Rents
Hostile and Benevolent Sexism and Attitudes Toward Establishing Consent Among Chinese Men: The Detrimental Role of Token Resistance Beliefs and Binge Drinking
Exploring cisgender therapists’ attitudes towards, and experience of, working with trans people in the United Kingdom
The effectiveness of structural family therapy in repairing behavioral problems and improving family functioning in single‐parent families in Iran
The role of online social networks in improving health literacy and medication adherence among people living with HIV/AIDS in Iran: Development of a conceptual model
Lived experiences of children and adolescents with obsessive–compulsive disorder: interpretative phenomenological analysis
Hearing the Voice of the Child in Safeguarding Processes: Exploring Different Voices and Competing Narratives
Service use and barriers to care among homeless veterans: Results from the National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV‐HOPE) study
Only chance and circumstances? Or, how Freudian are Freudian slips? A review of research literature concerning parapraxes.
‘Nearly gave up on it to be honest’: Utilisation of individualised budgets by people with psychosocial disability within Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme
State and local minimum wage increases help—but still don’t provide a foundation for economic security
A Tri-Directional Examination of Parental Personality, Parenting Behaviors, and Contextual Factors in Influencing Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
Does Online Jealousy Lead to Online Control in Dating Adolescents? The Moderation Role of Moral Disengagement and Socio-Emotional Competence
Resuscitation simulation among people who are likely to witness opioid overdose: Experiences from the SOONER Trial
Addressing the Needs of Survivors of Homicide Victims: An Evaluation of the Chicago Survivors Program