Service support, work engagement and psychological wellbeing: validating an index of resource and infrastructure support for the delivery of CBT
The relationship between emotional regulation of teachers and the participation of students with autism in inclusive primary and preschool schools
Health and economic benefits of secondary education in the context of poverty: Evidence from Burkina Faso
Start with why: The transfer of work meaningfulness from leaders to followers and the role of dyadic tenure
The prevalence and factors associated with anxiety symptoms among resident physicians in Oman: a cross-sectional study
Hangry in the field: An experience sampling study on the impact of hunger on anger, irritability, and affect
Self-Management in Youth With Spina Bifida: Associations With Parent Factors in the Context of a Summer Camp Intervention
Physicians Spreading Misinformation on Social Media — Do Right and Wrong Answers Still Exist in Medicine?
Sure I can code (but do I want to?). Why boys’ and girls’ programming beliefs differ and the effects of mandatory programming education
The mediating effects of metacognition and creative thinking on the relationship between teachers’ autonomy support and teachers’ self‐efficacy
Analyzing technology acceptance and perception of privacy in ambient assisted living for using sensor-based technologies
A Framework for Analysing Organisational Culture Among Politicians: Exploring Implications for Participatory Governance Schemes
Between spin doctor and information provider: Conceptualizing communication professionals in government ministries
Changes in Medicare Home Health Use During COVID-19 and the Implications for Health Equity and Caregiver Availability
Dialogic reconstruction of memories of violent sexual-affective relationships via dialogic gatherings of “Radical Love”