Archive for June 2022
A structural equation model of the relationships between social-emotional competence, social support, depression, and aggression in early adolescents in South Korea
An Evaluation Roadmap for a more effective government
Criminalization and Experiences of Violence: Developing Responsive Harm Reduction Services for Survivors of Violence and Criminalization
Effect of a Popular Web Drama Video Series on HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Singapore: Community-Based, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trial
Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: Systematic review
Interactive Contribution of Observed Mother-Youth Emotional Climate and Youth Physiology: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Understanding Youth Coping With Peer Stress
Changes in SNAP Benefit Levels and Food Spending and Diet Quality: Simulations from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
The Folly of Endless Growth / Dominic Boyer
How did autistic children, and their parents, experience school transition during the Covid‐19 pandemic?
This Is Growing Old: Discussing Mental Heath with Geriatric Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Dilip Jeste
Ability as legitimation of tracking: Teachers’ representations of students in vocational and academic tracks
Rates and correlates of well‐being among youth experiencing homelessness
Good Psychiatric Management and Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide to Integration and Stepped Care
Psychological anthropology and medical anthropology: a brief history of ideas and concepts
Changing Metacognitive Appraisal Bias in High-Worriers Through Reappraisal Training
Citizen Complaints as an Accountability Mechanism: Uncovering Patterns Using Topic Modeling
States Have an Important Opportunity to Address Childhood Hunger This Summer
Danger appraisal and pathogen-avoidance mechanisms in stigma towards severe mental illness: the mediating role of affective responses
When Right-Wing Attacks on School Textbooks Fell Short
William F. Buckley Jr., pictured here in 1958, once joined other conservatives in denouncing “Communism” in the schools.