What are the Required Elements Needed to Create an Effective Visual Art Intervention for People Living with Dementia? A Systematic Review
A comparison of limited vs unlimited attempts with online homework grades in introductory statistics courses
Parent and Well-Sibling Communication in Families With a Child Who Has a Life-Limiting Condition: Quantitative Survey Data
“It’s impossible for them to understand me ‘cause I haven’t said a word”: how women baby boomers shape social participation spaces in old age
How does mindfulness help university employees cope with emotional exhaustion during the COVID‐19 crisis? The mediating role of psychological hardiness and the moderating effect of workload
The Effect of School Funding on Opportunity Gaps for Students With Disabilities: Policy and Context in a Diverse Urban District
Resilience in organization-related research: An integrative conceptual review across disciplines and levels of analysis.
A multilevel model of job inclusion of employees with disabilities: The role of organizational socialization tactics, coworkers social support and an inclusive team context
Exploring moderators of the relationship between adolescents’ social responsibility and civic actions
A method for studying reinforcement factors controlling impulsive choice for use in behavioral neuroscience
Prevalence and Correlates of Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-injury in Children A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Changes in the network structure of mental health after a multicomponent positive psychology intervention in adolescents: A moderated network analysis
How are patient-related characteristics associated with shared decision-making about treatment? A scoping review of quantitative studies
Foster Care: Further Assistance from HHS Would be Helpful in Supporting Youth’s LGBTQ+ Identities and Religious Beliefs
Rates of Appropriate Treatment and Follow-Up Testing After a Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia Infection in an Urban Network of Federally Qualified Health Center Systems
Establishing a Valid, Reliable, and Efficient Chart Review Process for Research in Pediatric Integrated Primary Care Psychology
The second wave of critical engagement with Stanley Milgram’s ‘obedience to authority’ experiments: What did we learn?
Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older persons with problematic alcohol use: A multiple failure-time analysis with a discontinuous risk model
Hospital Admission Rate, Cumulative Hospitalized Days, and Time to Admission Among Older Persons with Substance Use and Psychiatric Conditions
Should I “check my emotions at the door” or express how I feel? Role of emotion regulation versus expression of male leaders speaking out against sexism in the workplace