Archive for June 2022
Psychological factors associated with clinical fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer patients in the early survivorship period
Acute nicotine reinforcement requires ability to discriminate the stimulus effects of nicotine.
When the United States says you do not belong: Suicide‐related thoughts and behaviors among immigrant young adults varying in immigration legal status
Agency Heads’ Public Profiles and Bureaucratic Performance
Attitudes Toward People With Schizophrenia Among Undergraduate Nursing Students
Dietary inflammatory potential and the incidence of depression and anxiety: a meta-analysis
Differential associations of conduct disorder, callous-unemotional traits and irritability with outcome expectations and values regarding the consequences of aggression
31,780 Reasons to Care About Gun Violence
Building Data Capacity for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Priorities for the Next Decade
Resources, relationships, and systems thinking should inform the way community health promotion is funded
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention on post-traumatic stress symptoms among emergency nursing students
A network analysis on the relationship between loneliness and schizotypy
Elucidating a bidirectional association between rheumatoid arthritis and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Idaho to Bay Area: White Supremacists Violently Target Pride Events, Egged on by Right-Wing Media
The who and what of validation: an experimental examination of validation and invalidation of specific emotions and the moderating effect of emotion dysregulation
Promising Practices for Implementing Evaluation Technical Assistance for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Programs
National survey of gig workers paints a picture of poor working conditions, low pay
Resilience to early family risk moderates stress-affect associations: A 14-day ecological momentary assessment study
Career Barriers and Coping Efficacy with International Students in Counseling Psychology Programs
Patient Accounts for Nonadherence: A Critical Window into the Patient Experience
Associations of parent-adolescent relationship and self-esteem with emotional and behavioral problems among Chinese adolescents
The world’s most neglected displacement crises 2021
The influence of political ideology on stereotypes, meta-stereotypes and causal attributions of homelessness in Spain
Emotional labour as a vehicle of organisational change in maternity care: The case of Russian doulas’ institutional work
National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care
Preserving womens reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany
Epistemic injustice as a bridge between medical sociology and disability studies
Perceptions of mothers on child well-being, changes in everyday life and social sustainability: lessons learned from a community-based health promotion programme in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka
Free time, gender and the pandemic: An exploration of children’s daily routines in the times of COVID‐19 in Chile
Urban-rural disparities in hypertension management among middle-aged and older patients: Results of a 2018 Chinese national study
COVID‐19 Vaccination: Willingness and practice in Bangladesh
Atypical action updating in a dynamic environment associated with adolescent obsessive–compulsive disorder
Protecting children from county lines
Sarah and Paul Do Do The Care Review: Part 1 [re: Independent Review of Children’s Social Care]
Active Ingredients of Interventions Improving Smoking Cessation Support by Dutch Primary Care Providers: A Systematic Review
Director Debrief: COVID-19 Vaccine for Young Children