Archive for June 2022
Psychological patterns of poverty in Russia: Relationships among socioeconomic conditions, motivation, self‐regulation and well‐being
Behavioural survey and street-based HIV and HCV rapid testing programme among transgender sex workers
Acceptability of reducing sedentariness using a mobile-phone application based on ‘if then’ plans for people with psychosis: A focus-group study conducted in North West England, UK
A tale of triple disadvantages: Disability, chronic poverty and gender inequality in rural Bangladesh
State care in childhood and adult mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Rurality and readiness: Addressing substance use via a community‐level assessment
Child poverty and children entering care in England, 2015–20: a longitudinal ecological study at the local area level
A Culture of Health and Alcohol-Permitted Events at a U.S. University
Feasibility of Pediatric Emergency Department-Initiated Treatment for Adolescents With Opioid Use Disorder (PEDsTREATOUD)
Longitudinal associations between multiple mental health problems and suicidal ideation among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Three things you need to know about child abuse and neglect | UNICEF
Capturing Patient and Staff Experiences to Assess Complex Care Program Effectiveness
WA’s hidden crisis: Harm from alcohol
Pursuing the Post Philosophical New: Taking Our Thoughts for a Walk
Performance criteria‐based effect size (PCES) measurement of single‐case experimental designs: A real‐world data study
The women’s lives in danger in a post-Roe America
Self-Efficacy Among Caregivers of Children With Food Allergy: A Cohort Study
Promoting Safety and Connection During COVID-19: Tiny Homes as an Innovative Response to Homelessness in the USA
Linking mean level and variability in affect to changes in perceived regard: A dyadic longitudinal burst study of African American couples
Does the State Impact Hope? The Impact of Direct and Vicarious Police Contact on the Optimism of Youth in Large Cities
Identity lost and found: Self-concept clarity in social network site contexts
Methodological reflections on the use of photovoice in school health research
Who Segregated America?
Inclusive practices help all students thrive
Urgent need to expand syringe services programs in South Carolina and beyond
Domains of housing insecurity: Associations with child maltreatment risk
Prevalence of gambling problems, help-seeking, and relationships with trauma in veterans
A Self-Guided Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Fear of Falling in Older People: a Randomised Controlled Trial
New York’s New School for Social Research: Renewing a distinguished legacy
An empirical evaluation of alternative approaches to adjusting for attrition when analyzing longitudinal survey data on young adults’ substance use trajectories
When “Good People” Sexually Harass: The Role of Power and Moral Licensing on Sexual Harassment Perceptions and Intentions
Mental Health Conservatorship Among Homeless People With Serious Mental Illness
Community‐based counselling for benzodiazepine withdrawal: A mixed‐methods study of client outcomes
Doing Rebellious Research: In and beyond the Academy
At the heart of this book, we move between departing radically from academic writing to arriving at a new academic endeavor and transaction between reader and text driven by the invitation to open rebellion in academic research and writing.