Inclusive neighbourhoods: Promoting social inclusion in housing with care and support for older people
Does positive affect predict mortality and morbidity? A 19-year longitudinal study of middle-aged and older Japanese adults☆
How do community based dementia friendly initiatives work for people with dementia and their caregivers, and why? A rapid realist review
The ScHARR LMIC filter: adapting a low‐ and middle‐income countries geographic search filter to identify studies on preterm birth prevention and management
Attitudes about withholding or withdrawing life-prolonging treatment, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and physician assisted suicide: a cross-sectional survey among the general public in Croatia
Golden opportunity for intervention? Identifying vitamin D deficiency in patients with substance use disorders in hospital
Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Children’s Physiological Functioning: A Systematic Review of the Literature
CHALO! 2.0: A Mobile Technology Based Intervention to Accelerate HIV Testing and Linkage to Preventive Treatment.
‘Because I’m a kid …’: The struggle for recognition of children and young people involved in child and family social work
Performance of New Cognitive Assessments with Head Start Children: Emerging Evidence from FACES and AIAN FACES 2019
Information needs and preferences among rural cancer survivors in Queensland, Australia: a qualitative examination
Efects of service-wide support on regularity of alcohol screening of clients in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Services: a cluster randomised trial
The case for case studies: Dialogic engagement and case study creation in a higher education classroom
The impact of mental health care provider website transgender and nonbinary affirmation on site user experience for transgender/nonbinary and cisgender people.
Longitudinal Associations of Mental Disorders with Dementia: 30-Year Analysis of 1.7 Million New Zealand Citizens
How We See Us: An Examination of Factors Shaping the Appraisal of Stereotypical Media Images of Black Women among Black Adolescent Girls
Boosting college prospects among low-income students: Using self-affirmation to trigger motivation and a behavioral ladder to channel it.
Acting Like a Baby Boomer? Birth-Cohort Differences in Adults’ Personality Trajectories During the Last Half a Century
Dynamic violence risk, protective factors, and therapeutic change in a gender and ethnoculturally diverse sample of court-adjudicated youth.
Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on the academic research agenda. A scientometric analysis
It takes an ecosystem: Socioecological factors influencing equity-oriented evaluation in New England, U.S., 2021
A systematic review of engagement in care and health care utilization among older adults living with HIV and non-communicable diseases
What is the evidence on the impact of Pupil Premium funding on school intakes and attainment by age 16 in England?
The feasibility of using life skills training in primary schools to improve mental health and academic performance: a pilot study in Kenya
Reinvestigating the Sexual Violence “Justice Gap” in the Swedish Criminal Justice System: Victim-Centered Alternatives to the Criminal Trial
Digital Mixed Content Analysis for the Study of Digital Platform Social Data: An Illustration from the Analysis of COVID-19 Risk Perception in the Italian Twittersphere