Unpacking the Criminogenic Aspects of Stress Over the Life Course: The Joint Effects of Proximal Strain and Childhood Abuse on Violence and Substance Use in a High-Risk Sample of Women
Social-cognitive mediators of the relationship of media exposure to acute mass violence and distress among adolescents.
Development and use of research vignettes to collect qualitative data from healthcare professionals: a scoping review
Electronic cigarettes and public health awareness: a cross-sectional analysis of Google search inquiries
De-escalation of conflict in forensic mental health inpatient settings: a Theoretical Domains Framework-informed qualitative investigation of staff and patient perspectives
The Role of Structural Factors in Support-Seeking Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Mwanza, Tanzania: Findings From a Qualitative Study
Mediating the claim? How ‘local ecosystems of support’ shape the operation and experience of UK social security
Residential greenness and risks of depression: Longitudinal associations with different greenness indicators and spatial scales in a Finnish population cohort
Identification of Promotive and Protective Factors for Young Adults Living in Concentrated Disadvantage
Association of Internet gaming disorder symptoms with anxiety and depressive symptoms and substance use: an international cross-sectional study
Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Mental Disorders in Rural South India: Learnings from Step Project
Prediction of Institutionalization for Patients With Dementia in Taiwan According to Condition at Entry to Dementia Collaborative Care
Clinical neuropharmacology of cocaine reinforcement: A narrative review of human laboratory self‐administration studies
Adolescent gender diversity: sociodemographic correlates and mental health outcomes in the general population
Advancing Child Trauma Screening Practices: An Evidence-Informed Framework for a Pictorial Child Trauma Screening Tool
“We Have to Try to Find a Way, a Clinical Bridge” – autistic adults’ experience of accessing and receiving support for mental health difficulties: A systematic review and thematic meta-synthesis
Associations between psychosis symptoms and eating disorders among a national sample of U.S. college students
Effect of Sublingual Dexmedetomidine vs Placebo on Acute Agitation Associated With Bipolar Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial
Prenatal distress links maternal early life adversity to infant stress functioning in the next generation.
‘Childhood in the shadow of prison bars’: How school counselors cope while counseling children of incarcerated parents
Examining implicit positive affect toward suicide among suicidal and nonsuicidal adults and adolescents
Cognitive-Behavioral and Personal Construct Therapies for Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Co-rumination with friends exacerbates association between peer victimization and adjustment in adolescence
“It was in Control of Me”: Notions of Addiction and Online Child Sexual Exploitation Material Offending
Millions of Children May Lose Medicaid: What Can Be Done to Help Prevent Them From Becoming Uninsured?