What the COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals about Racial Differences in Child Welfare and Child Well-Being: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Religiousness, meaning, and quality of life: Test of a mediational model among adults seeking a spiritually integrated inpatient program
What are the perceptions of staff who work in, and professionals who advise on the design of, Australian aged care facilities on the value and use of handrails in corridors?
Assessing the Reliability and Acceptability of an Arabic Language Version of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory
Feasibility and acceptability of take‐home naloxone for people released from prison in New South Wales, Australia
Health-related quality of life of patients with HIV/AIDS at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Ethiopia
Concurrent and predictive validity of the infant motor profile in infants at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders
Robotic natural orifice specimen extraction surgery versus traditional robotic-assisted surgery (NOTR) for patients with colorectal cancer: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
A compositional analysis of time spent in sleep, sedentary behaviour and physical activity with all-cause mortality risk
“I am very proud to be Taiwanese”: Taiwanese internationals’ experience of race, ethnicity, and nationality in the United States.
Vulnerability, Legal Protection, and Work Conditions of Female Domestic Workers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
War across the life course: examining the impact of exposure to conflict on a comprehensive inventory of health measures in an aging Vietnamese population
The lethality of non‐familial child abductions: Characteristics and outcomes of 565 incidents involving youth under the age of 18 years
Cannabinoids and an Anti-inflammatory Diet for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury (CATNP)
Project PrIDE in context: Evolution of evaluation in the centers for disease control and prevention’s multi-jurisdictional HIV prevention demonstration projects
Benzodiazepines and antidepressants: effects on cognitive and functional decline in Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy body dementia
Process evaluations of early childhood obesity prevention interventions delivered via telephone or text messages: a systematic review
State Policy and Practice Related to Earned Income Tax Credits May Affect Receipt among Hispanic Families with Children
Women and Local Politics: Determinants of Women’s Emergence and Success in Elections to Czech Town Councils, 1998–2018
Psychotherapeutic Processes associated with couple Therapy discontinuance: an observational Analysis using the rapid marital Interaction coding system
Does Parenting Explain the Link Between Cumulative SES Risk and Child Problems in the Context of Parental Depression?
The Relationships Between Self-reported Pain Intensity, Pain Interference, and Quality of Life Among Injured U.S. Service Members With and Without Low Back Pain
Testing the Associations between Dispositions Toward Ridicule and Being Laughed at with Romantic Jealousy in Couples: An APIM Analysis
Trends in County-Level COVID-19 Incidence in Counties With and Without a Mask Mandate – Kansas, June 1-August 23, 2020
Association between symptoms of psychological distress and cognitive functioning among adults with coronary artery disease
Longitudinal associations between Identity processes and goal engagement and disengagement: Directionality of effects and correlated change
Five-year risk of admission to long-term care home and death for older adults given a new diagnosis of dementia: a population-based retrospective cohort study
EARLY RELEASE: Early COVID-19 First-Dose Vaccination Coverage Among Residents and Staff Members of Skilled Nursing Facilities Participating in the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program – United States, December 2020-January 2021